
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

International Community Meeting in Geneva Must Press Syria on Human Rights Monitors

Foreign ministers gathering in Geneva have a responsibility to ensure that as violence intensifies and civilian casualties mount, a dedicated human rights monitoring presence is established.

June 29, 2012


Zimbabwe Goes After Activists Again

Zimbabwe police continue their clampdown on free speech with the most recent arrests of members of Women of Zimbabwe Arise.

June 28, 2012


40 Years Ago the US (Briefly) Outlawed the Death Penalty

40 years ago, the US Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty. Although the ban lasted only 5 years is a (hopefully) final ban near?

June 28, 2012

Press Release

Bulgarian Authorities Must Adopt Stricter Legislation Governing LGBT-Targeted Hate Crimes

Deep-seated discrimination against Bulgaria's LGBT community means anti-gay hate crimes go unpunished.

June 28, 2012

Press Release

Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care is Step in Right Direction to Guarantee Right to Health in the United States

Today's SCOTUS ruling is a step in the right direction to improve access to health care -– a universal human right that for far too long has been neglected in the United States.

June 28, 2012

Press Release

Italian Authorities Must Halt Forced Eviction of Tor de’Cenci Residents

Authorities in Rome plan to evict Roma families from the Tor de'Cenci settlement, forcing families to resettle in an isolated and racially segregated camp.

June 28, 2012

Immigrant rights activists


Arizona’s Immigration Law: 3 Sections Down, 1 to Go

The Supreme Court of the United States delivered its ruling on SB1070, two years after Arizona’s discriminatory immigration bill was signed into law.

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Conviction of Ethiopian Government Opponents is a ‘Dark Day’ for Freedom of Expression

24 government opponents, among them top journalist Eskinder Nega, were convicted on trumped-up terrorism charges, a further chilling example of Ethiopia's criminalization of expression.

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Attack on TV Station in Syria Condemned as U.N. Finds Worsening Violence

Journalists and staff killed today during an attack on a pro-government TV station in Syria should not have been targeted and signals another worrying sign of escalating violence.

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Iran Must Halt Death Sentences of Two Men Convicted of Drinking Alcohol

Iran's Supreme Court has upheld the death sentences of two men found guilty of drinking alcohol for a third time.

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Pakistan’s Death Penalty U-Turn ‘Exceptionally Cruel’

Amnesty International today called Pakistan's flip-flop over a decision to commute Indian national Sarabjit Singh's capital sentence to a life term a cruel blow to him and his family.

June 27, 2012


Nothing Justifies This

Torture is immoral, illegal and a crime. We can't let it become a permanent part of the American narrative.

June 26, 2012