
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Sheet of paper Report

Starved of Justice: Palestinians Detained Without Trial by Israel

This report calls for an end to Israel’s practice of holding Palestinian prisoners for long periods, without charge or trial.

June 5, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

Amnesty Responds to UN Report on Promoting Human Rights While Countering Terrorism

Amnesty International welcomes the decision by Ben Emmerson, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism, to address and promote better recognition and respect for the human rights of victims of terrorism in his recent report.

June 4, 2012


Mississippi to Execute Man Defended by Law Clerk

Michael Brawner had a terrible childhood, committed a terrible crime, and had terrible legal representation. Now his execution is imminent.

June 4, 2012


The Chilling Words of Syria’s President

Syrian President Bashar Assad justified his government’s actions by comparing himself to a doctor trying to save a patient.

June 4, 2012


Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Spurs Protests and Repression in India

Protests against nuclear power have intensified in Tamil Nadu, India -- and so has the repression of over 100,000 demonstrators' rights to peaceful protest.

June 3, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Says Mubarak Verdict an Important Step, but Full Truth About Victims’ Deaths During Uprising Must be Uncovered to Deliver Justice

Hosni Mubarak's conviction and life sentence shows that no one is above the law. But for justice to be served, the full truth of what happened to victims killed and wounded during last year’s uprising -- and who ordered the killings -- must be exposed.

June 2, 2012


Why is June Torture Awareness Month?

This month, educate your friends, neighbors and elected officials on the truth about torture: that it is illegal, immoral, ineffective and counterproductive.

June 1, 2012


Federal Court’s Marriage Equality Ruling: A Victory for LGBT Rights

Today's federal appeals court ruling in favor of marriage equality paves the way for the Supreme Court to consider the issue as early as next year.

June 1, 2012


Women’s Health Under Threat in Turkey

The Turkish government is moving forward with a disturbing plan to drastically reduce women's capacity for family planning.

June 1, 2012


Is Egypt’s “State of Emergency” Finally Over?

Egypt's 31-year "Emergency Law" has come to an end. Will this mark a break from human rights abuses and a return to the rule of law?

June 1, 2012

Press Release

As State of Emergency is Lifted, Egypt Must Make ‘Clean Break’ from Abusive Past and Return to Rule of Law

Egyptian authorities must release anyone still held under the emergency decree or bring them to justice in conformity with fair trial standards.

June 1, 2012

Press Release

China Must End Crackdown After Self-Immolations in Tibet

Chinese authorities have reportedly detained hundreds of people in Lhasa after two self-immolations in the Tibetan capital.

June 1, 2012