
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Press Release

Amnesty International Implores Singapore to Join Global Trend Toward Abolition of Death Penalty

Amnesty International today calls on Singapore to join the global trend toward abolition of the death penalty and establish a moratorium on all executions, following the country's announcement that it carried out four executions in 2011, after no executions the previous year.

May 2, 2012


Will Montana Recognize Redemption?

Ronald Smith was sentenced to death in Montana for a crime committed in 1982. He is now a reformed 54-year-old grandfather. Is that enough to spare his life?

May 1, 2012


Drones: The Known Knowns

Presidential adviser John Brennan suggests that drones are effective and legal. Here are 12 reasons why the US needs to rethink their drones program.

May 1, 2012


Leading Iranian Trade Union Activist Spends May Day in Prison

In Iran, those who advocate peacefully on behalf of their fellow workers are likely to wind up in prison.

May 1, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges United States to Guarantee Chen Guangcheng’s Safety, Calls on China to Protect Activist’s Rights

Amnesty International today calls on the United States to guarantee Chen Guangcheng's safety and insist that China protect the rights of the activist and his family, amid reports the Chinese activist escaped from illegal house arrest last week into American diplomatic protection in China.

May 1, 2012

Press Release

Moving from Pen and Paper to Digital May Mean Progress, But Suppression Continues, Says Amnesty International

On the eve of World Press Freedom day, Amnesty International says that some countries are blocking search engines, charging the exorbitant fees for internet, torturing activists to obtain their Facebook and Twitter passwords and passing laws that control what people can (and cannot) talk about online.

May 1, 2012


Journalists Under Fire: 10 Reasons to Defend Free Speech

17 journalists have already been killed in 2012 for speaking truth to power. Stand up for those who speak out no matter the cost this World Press Freedom Day.

April 30, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

Ethiopia: Dismantling dissent: Intensified crackdown on free speech in Ethiopia

Since March 2011, at least 108 opposition party members and six journalists have been arrested in Ethiopia for alleged involvement with various proscribed terrorist groups

April 30, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls On Ukraine to Stop Police Criminality or Risk Euro 2012 Fan Abuse

Amnesty International today called for urgent reforms within the Ukrainian police ahead of the Euro 2012 soccer competition, in the wake of the robbery and severe beating of two men by six officers in Lviv on April 21.

April 30, 2012


Ex-CIA Chief Defends Hiding Torture Evidence, But We Need to Know the Truth

Former CIA spy Jose Rodriguez defends his actions in new book. But the American people have a right to know how torture became U.S. policy and whether it produced useful information.

April 28, 2012


Kurdish Kids and Turkey’s Shameful Prisons

Kurdish children imprisoned under Turkey's anti-terrorism laws suffer shameful abuses.

April 27, 2012


Ex-Liberian President Who Brought "Blood Diamonds" Into the Public Consciousness, Found Guilty of War Crimes

Charles Taylor verdict sends message no one is above the law.

April 26, 2012