
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Press Release

Death Toll Rises in Syria As Bombardment Of Civilian Areas Escalates In Homs, Amnesty International Says

At least 377 civilians have been killed in Homs in recent days as Syrian security forces escalated their shelling of civilian neighborhoods in the besieged city, according to information received by Amnesty International. Medical supplies to treat hundreds of wounded are dwindling. The dead include 29 children.

February 15, 2012


Closing the Doors to Justice in Turkey

The Turkish Parliament continues its crackdown on political dissent by drafting a law to limit prisoners' access to lawyers, further violating the basic tenants of human rights.

February 14, 2012


Egypt Must Not Hold Its NGOs Hostage

A new wave of repression in Egypt against NGOs is intended to ensure that civil society play little role in developing a new political culture for Egypt.

February 14, 2012


More Peaceful Protesters in World's Largest Democracy's Jails

Despite victories by environmental activists in court, India continues to detain those protesting degradation to their community's environment.

February 14, 2012


Prisoner Cleared for Release Marks 10 Years of Captivity at Guantanamo

Shaker Aamer has been held in Guantanamo for 10 years without charge, and has been cleared twice for release. It's long past time to send him home to the UK.

February 14, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Condemns “Outrageous” Government Raid On LGBT Activists’ Workshop in Uganda

Following a raid by a Ugandan cabinet minister on a workshop being run by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists in Entebbe, Amnesty International called on the government today to end its "outrageous" harassment of the community.

February 14, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges China to Avoid Forced Repatriation of North Korean Defectors

A group of 21 North Koreans must not be forcibly repatriated by the Chinese government, Amnesty International said amid reports they are being held in the northeastern Chinese city of Changchun for being in the country illegally en route to South Korea.

February 14, 2012


Syria's Deadly Assault on Homs

The death toll continues to rise in Syria. Hundreds of largely unarmed people have reportedly been killed in the city of Homs alone. The crisis in Syria is escalating.

February 13, 2012


Will the Bahraini Government Crack Down on Protesters Tomorrow?

When Bahrain's streets awaken in protest tomorrow, will government forces crack down on peaceful demonstrators again? Will there be more tear gas, torture, killings?

February 13, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

The 10th Anniversary of “Law of War” Detentions at Guantánamo:

The modern history of the USA indeed includes examples of remarkable advocacy and progress for human rights. One area, however, where there has been zero human rights progress during the three years since the USA’s pledge is with respect to the system of indefinite military detention without charge or fair trial at the US Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. Detentions at the base are now into their 11th year.

February 13, 2012

Press Release

Bahrain: One year on, accountability remains a distant aspiration

The Bahraini government remains far from delivering the human rights changes that were recommended by an independent international commission, Amnesty International said today.

February 13, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Condemns Harsh Sentence for Chinese poet Zhu Yufu

Today’s sentencing of veteran activist Zhu Yufu to seven years for writing a poem deemed to “incite subversion of state power” is further evidence of the Chinese government’s continuing repression of anyone it perceives as directly or indirectly criticizing it policies, Amnesty International said.

February 10, 2012