
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

If you are a member of the press, please reach out to [email protected]

Press Release

Maldives Must Avoid Persecution of Ousted Government, says Amnesty International

The new authorities in the Maldives must avoid persecuting members of outgoing president Mohammed Nasheed's political party, Amnesty International said today, after Mr. Nasheed resigned following a police mutiny in the country.

February 7, 2012


Tweet for the Release of Walid Yunis Ahmad

Today marks the 12th anniversary of the arrest of Walid Yunis Ahmad in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Tweet the Kurdish Regional authorities to release him now!

February 6, 2012


Your Questions Answered: Middle East & North Africa

Join us Thursday, Feb 9 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST for a live online chat on Facebook with Amnesty International on the ongoing uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa.

February 6, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

‘Congress Has Made No Such Decision’: Three Branches of Government, Zero Remedy for Counter-Terrorism Abuses, Court Dismisses Padilla Lawsuit

This report describes the recent dismissal in federal court of a lawsuit brought by Jose Padilla, a US citizen who was held as an "enemy combatant" before being brought to trial in 2007.

February 6, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Israel to Release Palestinian on Hunger Strike, Or Charge and Try Him Promptly

Amid fears a Palestinian detainee could die after more than 50 days on a hunger strike, Amnesty International today called on the Israeli authorities to release the man or charge him with a recognizable criminal offense and promptly try him.

February 6, 2012


Amnesty International in a Dictator's Zoo?

Sasha Baron Cohen's new comedy "The Dictator" gives a nod to Amnesty International. But will the comedy shed light on real life abuses? We'll see.

February 5, 2012


"Kill All The Lawyers": Stifling Dissent in Turkey

As worrisome as arrests of Journalists in Turkey are, the current practice of imprisoning attorneys is cause for alarm.

February 4, 2012


Coming Face to Face with Torture

In a trip to Poland, the author discovers drawings of Gestapo interrogations that look frighteningly familiar to "enhanced interrogation techniques" approved by the US government.

February 3, 2012


I Stand With…the Right to Health

Too often, women's health falls victim to agendas that prevent women from exercising their human rights.

February 3, 2012


Ohio's Death Penalty Needs A Time-Out

The case of Tyrone Noling is yet another example of how deeply flawed Ohio's death penalty is, and why a moratorium on executions is desperately needed.

February 2, 2012


Haiti: A Safe Haven for "Baby Doc" Duvalier…Really?

Haiti has dropped the case against former leader Jean-Claude Duvalier, despite evidence of his involvement in torture, disappearances, and killings. Will "Baby Doc" really get away with murder?

February 2, 2012


Repressive Regimes Rejoice, Twitter to Censor Content

Business decisions in the digital world have human rights implications. What will Twitter's decision to censor content mean for activists around the world?

February 1, 2012