
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Arab League vote to suspend Syria puts pressure on Security Council to act, says Amnesty International

The Arab League's decision to suspend Syria must spur the UN Security Council into action, Amnesty International said today. At an emergency meeting in Cairo today, 18 out of 22 member states voted in favour of suspending Syria's membership of the regional organization with effect from Wednesday if the government continued to breach the terms of the Arab League's action plan.

November 15, 2011

Press Release

Local Residents in China Petition for Falun Gong Releases, Says Amnesty International

The Chinese authorities must immediately release two Falun Gong practitioners jailed for their beliefs in Hebei province, Amnesty International said today, as petitions by local residents calling for an end to their imprisonment reportedly reached almost 3,000 signatures.

November 15, 2011


Crisis Mapping 2011 – State Of The Art

Using cutting edge technologies to bring about rapid response to complex humanitarian emergencies. A peak at the 2011 Crisis Mappers conference.

November 14, 2011


GOP Candidates Pledge to Bring Back Torture

Saturday's GOP debate reminds us why upholding the law is so important. As a nation we chose to brush the crimes of the Bush administration under the rug and now torture is poised to make a comeback.

November 14, 2011


Sheet of paper Report

The True ‘Tragedy’: Delays and Failures in Tackling Oil Spills in the Niger Delta

Two Shell oil spills in 2008 continue to have catastrophic consequences for tens of thousands of people in Bodo, Nigeria.

November 14, 2011

Press Release

Arab League vote to suspend Syria puts pressure on Security Council to act, says Amnesty International

The Arab League's decision to suspend Syria must spur the UN Security Council into action, Amnesty International said today.

November 14, 2011


(S)Hell In The Niger Delta: Satellite Images Document Oil Spills

Newly released satellite images visualize the devastating impact of the 2008 oil spills in Bodo, Nigeria, part of a pattern of destruction by oil companies in the region.

November 13, 2011


Crackdown on Activists in Central India Continues

Soni Sodi and Lingaram Kodopi are two more human rights activists arrested for speaking out against human rights violations in central India.

November 11, 2011


Punishment Without Trial: Pre-trial Detention in Turkey

Under Turkey's overly broad 'anti-terrorism' legislation, prolonged pre-trial detention often results in punishment without trial.

November 11, 2011

Press Release

Report: Amnesty International and Nigeria Partner Demand that Shell Oil Pay $1 Billion to Reverse Human Devastation from Niger Delta Spill

Two major oil spills in the Niger Delta, which gushed for weeks before they were stopped, have devastated the lives of tens of thousands of people, destroying livelihoods, undermining access to food and clean water and putting health at risk, Amnesty International and the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) said today in a new report, which demands that Shell oil pay $1 billion to begin to clean up the pollution.

November 11, 2011


Shell: Own Up and Pay Up to Clean Up the Niger Delta

Shell Oil considers the oil spills it caused in Nigeria a "tragedy." Then why does the oil giant refuse to clean up its act?

November 10, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Gathers Women’s Rights Leaders and Advocates in NYC November 17 to Assess Worldwide Progress

On Thursday, Nov. 17, Amnesty International will gather more than a dozen leading advocates for women’s rights from around the globe to assess progress and challenges on issues including violence against women, maternal health and reproductive rights and security and rights in conflict zones. Michelle Bachelet, former president of Chile and current executive director of UN Women, will deliver the keynote speech at 10 a.m.

November 10, 2011