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Sheet of paper Report

Ukraine must act to deal with endemic police criminality

Human rights abuses are practised systematically by the police in Ukraine, despite increasing efforts to combat the problem and growing public outrage. Institutional failings and high levels of corruption in the Ministry of Internal Affairs mean that people who come into contact with the police are at risk of a wide range of abuses, from verbal attacks to torture. Investigations into these events are often delayed, ineffective and biased, which only encourages the police in a culture of impunity. The government must commit to comprehensively reforming the system for overseeing the police.

October 11, 2011

Press Release

Jailed Former Ukraine Prime Minister Must Be Released, Says Amnesty International

A former Ukrainian prime minister jailed today for abuse of office must be released, Amnesty International said today. Yuliya Tymoshenko was sentenced to seven years imprisonment and barred from holding public office for three years by a Kyiv court for signing a multi-million dollar energy contract with Russia in January 2009, while she was Prime Minister.

October 11, 2011


The Silencing of an Egyptian Revolutionary

An Egyptian blogger's arrest and sentence represents a troubling return to the repressive practices of the Mubarak era.

October 7, 2011


Why The Nobel Prize Isn’t Just About Women’s Rights

Women have long been overlooked as a primary asset in global efforts to achieve peace. Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to three women activists changes that.

October 7, 2011

Press Release

Nobel Peace Prize Important Recognition of Struggle for Women’s Rights, Says Amnesty International

Salil Shetty, secretary general of Amnesty International, issued the following comments today about the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to three women who have fought for womens’ rights and equality

October 7, 2011

Press Release

Human Rights Defenders in Russia Under Threat, Says Amnesty International

Five years after the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, the investigative journalist, little progress has been made to increase the safety of journalists or human rights defenders who dare to expose abuses or challenge authority in Russia, Amnesty International said today.

October 7, 2011


Palestinian Statehood Bid at UN and Its Implications

What the Palestinian bid for statehood at the UN could mean for human rights.

October 6, 2011


11 Numbers You Need to Know About the Global Housing Crisis

There's a worldwide housing crisis -- and we're not just talking about foreclosures and the crash of the housing market.

October 6, 2011


Live Online Chat on Housing Crisis

Is housing a human right? Learn why forced evictions and homelessness threaten billions of people worldwide in our online chat Friday, Oct 7.

October 6, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Afghanistan 10 years on: Slow progress and failed promises

Ten years after a US-led military invasion removed the Taleban from Afghanistan, the Afghan government and its international supporters have failed to keep many of the promises they made to the Afghan people, Amnesty International said today. “Hopes were high in Afghanistan in 2001 following the international intervention but since then human rights gains have been put at risk by corruption, mismanagement and attacks by insurgent groups who have shown systematic contempt for human rights and the laws of war,” said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International’s Asia Pacific director. “Today, many Afghans dare to hope for improvements in human rights in…

October 6, 2011

Press Release

China Should Release Jailed Nobel Peace Laureate Liu Xiaobo and wife, says Amnesty International

The Chinese authorities must immediately release prisoners of conscience Liu Xiaobo and his wife Liu Xia, Amnesty International said today, a year after the jailed activist was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and his wife placed under illegal house arrest.

October 6, 2011


Reid Stands Against Indefinite Detention in Senate Bill

Good news on human rights from Capitol Hill: Senator Harry Reid spoke out against detention provisions in the 2011 National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA).

October 5, 2011