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Is Sierra Leone’s Free Healthcare Program for Pregnant Women and Children Working?

A year after Sierra Leone launched its groundbreaking free healthcare program for children and pregnant women, Amnesty International examines its impact.

September 7, 2011


Troy Davis Execution Set For Sept. 21

Georgia has scheduled Troy Davis' execution for Sept. 21. An execution is NOT inevitable.

September 7, 2011


Don't Let Georgia Kill Troy Davis

Troy Davis is scheduled to be executed on Sept 21 even though he could very well be innocent. Here are 3 things you can do to help stop the execution.

September 7, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Georgia Board Of Pardons And Paroles To Commute Troy Davis Death Sentence

Amnesty International USA urges Georgia board of pardons and paroles to commute Troy Davis death sentence.

September 7, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Charges Sri Lanka Inquiry into its Armed Conflict is “Fundamentally Flawed”

The Sri Lankan government’s inquiry into the country’s civil war is fundamentally flawed and provides no accountability for atrocities.

September 7, 2011


Failing to Protect Women from Domestic Violence in the US

A systematic failure to protect one family from domestic violence cost three little girls their lives. A recent Inter-American Commission on Human Rights ruling says the US must address this failure.

September 6, 2011


Palmer Report Did Not Find Gaza Blockade Legal, Despite Media Headlines

The Palmer report's finding that the naval blockade is lawful does not mean the entire blockade on Gaza is legal. The blockade is a collective form of punishment that breaches international law.

September 6, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Sri Lanka: Inquiry into armed conflict fundamentally flawed

Thousands of civilians were killed and other serious human rights violations committed during Sri Lanka’s decades-long internal conflict, particularly during the final months. The Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) is the latest in a log line of failed domestic mechanisms putatively aimed at securing justice in Sri Lanka. In this report Amnesty International examines the many failures of the LLRC’s proceedings. The organization is calling for an international, independent investigation that can deliver truth, justice and reparations to the thousands of victims of violations committed during Sri Lanka's bloody war.

September 6, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Report Shows Obstacles to Medical Care for Pregnant Women in Sierra Leone, Despite Government’s Free Treatment Program

More than a year after the launch of Sierre Leone’s Free Health Care Initiative for pregnancy care, women continue to face serious challenges accessing treatment and drugs crucial for safe pregnancy.

September 6, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Sierra Leone: Pregnant women still denied lifesaving medical care

Pregnant women and girls in Sierra Leone face continuing challenges in gaining access to maternal health care services. Despite important reforms initiated over the last two years, including a free health care policy covering pregnancy and childbirth, the health care system is dysfunctional and much remains to be done. In this report, Amnesty International examines how gaps in monitoring and accountability are undermining the success of the recent health care reforms, in particular free access to essential drugs in pregnancy and childbirth.

September 5, 2011


Ohio Should Just Stop Killing People

Ohio, which could soon face yet another lethal injection drug shortage requiring yet another switch in drug protocols, should instead just stop killing people.

September 2, 2011


Student Activist Spends Birthday Behind Bars in Azerbaijan

Jabbar Savalan, imprisoned for a Facebook comment, will spend his birthday in jail. Let him know he is not alone.

September 2, 2011