
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Egyptian Blogger Imprisoned for Facebook Comment on Hunger Strike

Maikel Nabil Sanad was unjustly convicted in military court for insulting the Egyptian army on Facebook and on his blog.

September 1, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Welcomes Release of 70 Prisoners in Iran; Calls for Release of All Iranian Prisoners of Conscience

Amnesty International welcomes the reported release of some 70 prisoners of conscience and political prisoners, convicted of vaguely worded “security related” charges.

September 1, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Reveals Detainees in Libya Left to Suffocate in Blazing Hot, Cramped Metal Containers

Libyan forces loyal to Colonel al-Gaddafi forces left 19 detainees to die of suffocation while locked inside metal containers in the sweltering June heat in northwestern Libya.

September 1, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on Macedonian Authorities to Deliver Justice to Victims of War Crimes

Amnesty International is calling on the Macedonian authorities to reverse immediately a parliamentary decision which will have the effect of denying justice, truth and reparation to the victims.

September 1, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Syria: Deadly detention: Deaths in custody amid popular protest in Syria

At least 88 people are believed to have died in detention in Syria during five months of bloody repression of pro-reform protests, a new Amnesty International report reveals today. Deadly detention: Deaths in custody amid popular protest in Syria documents reported deaths in custody between April and mid-August in the wake of sweeping arrests. The 88 deaths represented a significant escalation in the number of deaths following arrest in Syria. In recent years Amnesty International has typically recorded around five deaths in custody per year in Syria. "These deaths behind bars are reaching massive proportions, and appear to be an…

August 31, 2011


California: 2012 Ballot Initiative To Replace Death Penalty

An initiative to replace the death penalty and redirect funds to address dismal unsolved crime rates may be on the ballot in California in 2012.

August 31, 2011


Dick Cheney's Ten Year War on Truth

Dick Cheney is using his new memoir to reaffirm his support of egregious human rights abuses by the Bush Administration. Find out what's fact and what's fiction.

August 31, 2011


Amnesty Activists Surprise Cheney at His 'Today Show' Appearance

Amnesty anti-torture activists hound Dick Cheney on his book tour, nabbing air time at his Today Show appearance.

August 31, 2011

Press Release

Ethiopia Expels Amnesty International Delegaton from Country; Arrests Opposition Leaders After Meeting with Amnesty

The Ethiopian government has expelled an Amnesty International delegation from the country and arrested two long-standing opposition leaders who met earlier with the delegation, the organization said today.

August 31, 2011

Press Release

Teenage Activist Killed in Peaceful Protest in Bahrain, Says Amnesty International

A 14-year-old boy was killed during a peaceful demonstration in Bahrain's central town of Sitra today, where dozens of demonstrators took part in anti-government protests marking the feast of 'Eid al-Fitr, the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

August 31, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Applauds Conviction of Former Officials in Bolivia Massacre

The conviction of seven high-ranking former officials in Bolivia for their role in dozens of deaths during anti-government protests in 2003 is an important step for justice, Amnesty International said today.

August 31, 2011

Press Release

High Court Decision on Malaysia Deal ‘Big Win’ for Human Rights, Says Amnesty International

Amnesty International has welcomed as "a landmark victory for human rights" the High Court decision stopping the Malaysia refugee swap.

August 31, 2011