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Press Release

Death Penalty 2013: Small Number of Countries Trigger Global Spike in Executions

Alarming levels of executions in an isolated group of countries in 2013 saw close to 100 more people put to death around the world compared to the previous year, a jump of almost 15 percent.

March 27, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Iraq 2013

Republic of Iraq Head of state Jalal Talabani Head of government Nuri al-Maliki Thousands of people were detained; hundreds were sentenced to death or prison terms, many after unfair trials and on terrorism-related charges. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees remained rife and were committed with impunity. Hundreds of prisoners were on death row. At least 129 people were executed, including at least three women. Armed groups opposed to the government continued to commit gross human rights abuses, killing hundreds of civilians in suicide and other bomb attacks. Harassment, intimidation and violence against journalists and media workers continued to be…

May 20, 2013

Press Release

Over 1.3 Million Syrian Refugees Trying to Escape Ongoing Bloodshed Need More International Support

The international community must do more to help the increasing number of refugees fleeing across borders as they try to escape the ongoing bloodshed and violence in Syria, Amnesty International said in a briefing Wednesday that raised concerns about Syrians being stopped at borders.

April 24, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Iraq: A decade of abuses

This report describes some of the worst human rights abuses in Iraq today and calls for urgent state action to address them and ensure full accountability.

April 9, 2013

Press Release

Annual Death Penalty Report Finds Setbacks for a Handful of Countries but Progress Toward Abolition Across the Globe

In its annual report today on executions and death sentences worldwide, Amnesty International found a handful of countries renewing executions after abandoning them for years – notably India, Japan, and Pakistan – and an alarming escalation of executions in Iraq.

April 3, 2013

Press Release

Ten Years Later, Iraq Enmeshed in Cycle of Human Rights Abuses

Ten years after the U.S.-led invasion that toppled the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein, Iraq remains enmeshed in a grim cycle of human rights abuses, including attacks on civilians, torture of detainees and unfair trials.

March 8, 2013

Press Release

Ratification of Numerous New Death Sentences Underscores Need for Iraq to End Executions

Following ratification for 28 death sentences in Iraq on Monday, December 17 by one of the Iraqi vice presidents, Amnesty International urged authorities to impose an immediate moratorium on executions as a first step towards death penalty abolition.

December 18, 2012

Press Release

Deadly Wave of Bombings Across Iraq On Eve of Islamic New Year That Killed At Least 14 People Must Be Immediately Investigated

Amnesty International today condemned a series of bomb attacks across Iraq on Wednesday that reportedly killed at least 14 people and injured many more.

November 14, 2012

Press Release

Iraqi Authorities Must Conduct “Thorough, Impartial and Transparent” Investigation into Wave of Bomb Attacks and Shootings

A wave of bomb attacks and shootings across Iraq on Sunday reportedly killed at least 81 people, many of them civilians, and left scores more injured.

September 11, 2012

Press Release

Iraq Urged to Halt Executions after Court Upholds 196 Death Sentences

Amnesty International called on Iraqi authorities to halt executions after almost 200 death sentences were upheld in court

July 24, 2012

Press Release

Wave of Bombings in Iraq Shows ‘Disregard for Basic Principles of Humanity’

Amnesty condemned a series of attacks in Baghdad and other cities that left more than 100 dead and many more injured

July 23, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Condemns Wave of Bombings in Iraq

At least 55 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a wave of bombings across Iraq during a major Shi'a religous festival.

June 13, 2012