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Press Release

Belarus: Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Release Election Protestors After Student Conviction

 Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseTuesday, March 29, 2011Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Release Election Protesters After Student ConvictedContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) Amnesty International has demanded the release of a Belarusian student sentenced today for taking part in a post-election protest - the third similar conviction in the past week."It's chillingly clear that the three activists have been sentenced on the basis of trumped up charges just because they dared to criticize elections that were plagued by irregularities," said Nicola Duckworth of Amnesty International. "These men are prisoners of conscience - jailed for the peaceful expression…

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Italy: Thousands of Refugess Stranded in Appalling Conditions on Italian Island

Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseWednesday, March 30, 2011Thousands Stranded in Appalling Conditions on Italian Island, Says Amnesty InternationalContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) Thousands of people, many who left North Africa following recent unrest, are stranded on the Italian island of Lampedusa in appalling conditions, an Amnesty International delegation on the island said today.The unequivocal assessment by Amnesty International's delegation came as Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi pledged "to clear Lampedusa within 48-60 hours". There are currently about 6,000 foreign nationals on the island, mostly from Tunisia."The Italian government must immediately deal with this humanitarian crisis that…

April 14, 2011

Press Release

U.S.: Five Countries Defy Sea Change In Global Execution Practices, According to New Amnesty International Report

A total of 31 countries abolished the death penalty in law or in practice during the last 10 years, but China, Iran, Saudi...

April 14, 2011

Press Release

China: Prominent Blogger Missing in China, Says Amnesty International

Chinese-born former diplomat Yang Hengjun, an Australian national, informed his blog administrator in a phone call on Sunday...

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Libya: Amnesty International Demands to Know Whereabouts of Woman Who Accused Libyan Forces of Rape

Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseMonday, March 28, 2011Amnesty International Demands to Know Whereabouts of Woman Who Accused Libyan Forces of RapeOrganization Says Woman Should be Immediately Released, If She Is Being DetainedContact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (London) – Amnesty International today demanded that Libya reveal the whereabouts of a Libyan woman who claimed she was raped by forces loyal to Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. The organization said it was “extremely disturbing” that the woman was forcibly dragged away by security officials when she tried to speak to journalists about the assault.Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International Middle East and North Africa director,…

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Libya: Ghaddafi’s Forces Are Carrying Out Campaign of Disappearances Inside Libya to Crush Growing Opposition, Says Amnesty International in New Report

The report by an Amnesty International team inside Libya details more than30 cases of individuals who have disappeared since...

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Syria: Amnesty International Urges Syrian Authorities to Lift Repressive Laws Amid Violence

The Syrian government's pledge to lift the country's long-standing state of emergency must be swiftly backed up with...

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Belarus: Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Release Election Protestors After Student Conviction

 Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseTuesday, March 29, 2011Amnesty International Urges Belarus to Release Election Protesters After Student ConvictedContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) Amnesty International has demanded the release of a Belarusian student sentenced today for taking part in a post-election protest - the third similar conviction in the past week."It's chillingly clear that the three activists have been sentenced on the basis of trumped up charges just because they dared to criticize elections that were plagued by irregularities," said Nicola Duckworth of Amnesty International. "These men are prisoners of conscience - jailed for the peaceful expression…

April 14, 2011

Press Release

China: Amnesty International Denounces 10 Year Sentence of Chinese Veteran Dissident

Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseFriday, March 25, 2011Amnesty International Denounces 10-Year Sentence of Chinese Veteran DissidentContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) The Chinese authorities should immediately release prominent pro-democracy activist Liu Xianbin, Amnesty International said today, after the dissident was jailed for 10 years for writing articles critical of the government."Ten years imprisonment for writing articles is an appalling sentence, and a travesty of justice," said Catherine Baber, Amnesty International’s deputy director for the Asia-Pacific. "Liu Xianbin is not guilty of any crime. He is a prisoner of conscience and should be released immediately.""The Chinese authorities are…

April 14, 2011

Press Release

U.S.: Five Countries Defy Sea Change In Global Execution Practices, According to New Amnesty International Report

A total of 31 countries abolished the death penalty in law or in practice during the last 10 years, but China, Iran, Saudi...

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Iran: Amnesty International Supports U.N. Decision to Monitor Human Rights Situation in Iran

Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseFriday, March 25, 2011Amnesty International Supports U.N. Decision to Monitor Human Rights Situation in IranContact: AIUSA media relations office, 202-509-8194 (Washington, D.C.) The United Nations (U.N.) Human Rights Council's decision to appoint a Special Reporter to monitor and report on the deteriorating human rights situation in Iran was welcomed by Amnesty International today. The Council voted in Geneva on Thursday, by 22 to seven for a resolution co-sponsored by 49 states that decided "to appoint a Special Reporter on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran."The vote comes amid concern at…

April 14, 2011

Press Release

Libya: Amnesty International Demands to Know Whereabouts of Woman Who Accused Libyan Forces of Rape

Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseMonday, March 28, 2011Amnesty International Demands to Know Whereabouts of Woman Who Accused Libyan Forces of RapeOrganization Says Woman Should be Immediately Released, If She Is Being DetainedContact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (London) – Amnesty International today demanded that Libya reveal the whereabouts of a Libyan woman who claimed she was raped by forces loyal to Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. The organization said it was “extremely disturbing” that the woman was forcibly dragged away by security officials when she tried to speak to journalists about the assault.Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International Middle East and North Africa director,…

April 14, 2011