
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Obama and Egypt: The Window for Action Remains Open

Human rights activists and the Egyptian protesters have been disappointed in President Obama's wavering message and policy. Obama still has one more chance to do what’s right for Egypt and for the United States.

February 11, 2011


Jurors, Family Members Oppose Texas Execution

The family of Timothy Adams does not want the state of Texas to execute him on February 22. The loss of a loved one through the instrument of state killing can be every bit as painful as the loss of a loved one to murder. The family of Timothy Adams knows this because they are also the family of the victim.

February 11, 2011


One year later, where's Pattani Razeek?

Over the past several decades, Sri Lanka has experienced tens of thousands of enforced disappearances, the vast majority of which remain unresolved. They are one more example of the lack of accountability in Sri Lanka for human rights violations.

February 11, 2011


Iraqi prisoners on hunger strike demand better conditions

Dozens of prisoners at Al-Hilla Prison in Iraq went on hunger strike on Sunday demanding better prison conditions including a solution to overcrowding, according to Al-Sharqiyah Television. Conditions of other prisons across Iraq and Kurdistan are not much better, with shortages of clean water and inadequate sanitation facilities, as well as poor ventilation, all of which continue to cause serious health risks. Al-Hilla prison’s capacity is 750 but it currently holds over 1500 prisoners. This is a recurring problem in Iraq. In 2008 one prison was so overcrowded that detainees had to sleep in shifts. In 2010 about 100 detainees…

February 10, 2011


A Compromised Future for Children in Chad

Boys as young as 13 years old are being used as soldiers by officers of the Chadian national army and armed groups according to a new report released by Amnesty International.

February 10, 2011


February 12: Join Global Actions on Egypt

For updates on the Global Day of Action for Egypt, please check back on our blog or follow us on Twitter over the next days. New killings of protesters in Egypt remind us of the urgent need for institutional change in Egypt that will prevent such human rights abuses. Furthermore, it is a wake up call for activists worldwide to demonstrate global solidarity with protesters in Egypt. This Saturday, Amnesty International, partner organizations and Egyptian activists are organizing public rallies across the world in solidarity with the Egyptian people and to call for permanent human rights reforms in Egypt. In…

February 9, 2011


The Women in the Square

One of the most inspiring sights seen in Tahrir Square this eventful February have been groups of Egyptian women who have braved riots and intimidation by pro-Government forces to join the protests.

February 9, 2011


Ohio Sets 7 Execution Dates

Ohio has just set 7 new execution dates – meaning there is now an execution scheduled each and every month between February and October. But the chorus of voices opposing executions in Ohio is growing.

February 9, 2011


Video Testimony of Haitian Rights Abuses Survivors

On February 7, 1986, Former Haitian president Jean-Claude Duvalier departed from Haiti. To mark the 25th anniversary of his departure, Amnesty International has released video testimony from victims of human rights abuses committed during Duvalier’s rule.

February 8, 2011


Egypt: The Change Has to Be Institutional, Has to Be Now

Change in Egypt needs to be institutional, the root causes of three decades of human rights abuses must be addressed.

February 8, 2011


Q&A: Human Rights And Unrest In The Middle East

Questions answered about human rights and unrest in the Middle East.

February 8, 2011


Pulp Fiction

Today former Bush administration Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld launched his autobiography "Known and Unknown: A Memoir" with a tour of the usual media outlets. In the memoir, he tries to wash his hands of the systematic abuse of detainees.

February 8, 2011