
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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Brazil Must Stop Siding With Oppressive Regimes

Brazil’s recent history of siding with some of today’s most oppressive governments must end. As we watch the events in Tunisia and Egypt unfold, Brazil’s track record of supporting and befriending today’s most powerful dictators is downright shameful.  This position is not only contrary to the country’s desire to become a leader in global human rights, but also irresponsible. Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s apparent willingness to greet and negotiate with oppressive regimes was counterproductive to the world’s development.  Current President Dilma Rousseff has an opportunity to break with this trend by living up to the country’s humanitarian…

February 7, 2011


The Long Arm of the Law

Yesterday a spokesman for former US President George W. Bush announced that he was abandoning a planned visit to Switzerland because of “security concerns”. Although President Bush’s team officially played down the possibility, it seems likely that the decision was taken in part because of fears that he might be arrested by the Swiss authorities.

February 7, 2011


Fate of Dr. Binayak Sen Will Show Real India

On Wednesday, the high court in this central Indian state of Chhattisgarh will resume hearing on the appeal filed by the acclaimed Indian human rights activist Dr. Binayak Sen. Dr. Sen is appealing against the life-term sentence handed over to him last month by a district court here which convicted him for sedition and conspiracy against the State.

February 7, 2011


On A Mission Through Cairo

Yesterday, reunited with our two colleagues, we saw flashbacks of the denouement of our last hours of separation. Our night time chase across Cairo’s ghastly streets late on Friday and in the early hours of Saturday morning to become reunited with them after their release could have appeared almost comical and reminiscent of poorly made action films.

February 6, 2011


Chinese New Year: A New Year for Human Rights

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, marking an important celebration in Chinese culture. 2011 is the year of the Rabbit, an auspicious sign embodying friendship, negotiation, cooperation, and ambition. This is a great year to push for human rights in China.

February 4, 2011


Yemeni Government Following Egypt’s Repressive Lead?

Inspired by events in Tunisia and Egypt and in solidarity with the Egyptian and Tunisian people, on Thursday February 3rd, thousands of anti-government protesters took part in a protest calling on Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down after 33 years.

February 4, 2011


Thousands of Iraqis Demonstrate on Thursday

In Baghdad and outside it, thousands of Iraqis took to the streets yesterday in solidarity with the Egyptian revolution, and to demand that the government supply basic needs to Iraqi citizens living in poverty as unemployment reached 45%. About 1,000 Iraqis demonstrated yesterday at Al-Hamza, a town south of Baghdad, protesting food, water and power shortages. In Kut, also south of Baghdad, protesters called for the resignation of the provincial governor Latif Hamed. And after 3,000 protested at Al-Diwaniyya, authorities called a curfew in effect starting at 2 pm Thursday. Religious leaders across Iraq called for social justice, reminding the…

February 4, 2011


Tweet for a Fair Trial of Walid Yunis Ahmad in Iraq

We need your help to flood the Kurdish Regional authorities with Tweets, emails and letters on or around February 6th, urging them to ensure that Walid Yunis Ahmad receives a fair trial, without recourse to the death penalty.

February 4, 2011


Breaking: Amnesty International Staff Detained in Cairo

An Amnesty International representative has been detained by police in Cairo after the Hisham Mubarak Law Centre was taken over by military police this morning.

February 3, 2011


Live Online Chat On Egypt Crisis

Join us Friday, Feb 4th from 1:00-2:00 PM EST for a live online chat on Facebook with Amnesty International on the Egypt crisis.

February 3, 2011


First-Hand Account From Cairo: Amnesty Team Reports

An account from the Amnesty team in Cairo on the arrest of their colleagues by Egyptian military police earlier today and their research so far into human rights abuses in Egypt.

February 3, 2011


Satellite Images Show Grave Crimes Continue in Darfur

While the whole world is watching the outcome of the South Sudan referendum, Darfur continues to burn. New satellite images released by Amnesty’s Science for Human Rights Program provide shocking evidence that grave human rights violations continue in Darfur 8 years after the outbreak of the conflict.

February 2, 2011