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Egyptian Protests Day 3: Next Steps

Amid the third day of protests in Egypt, casualties and detentions are increasing: Today the brunt seems to be in the Suez region where Twitter reports indicate live ammo is being used by security forces.

January 27, 2011


Davos and the Measures of Success

As world leaders gather in Davos this week for the World Economic Forum, a hearing opens in the Netherlands about Shell Oil's conduct in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International is at Davos to remind business and world leaders of their human rights obligations.

January 26, 2011


Tunisia: Amnesty International's Human Rights Agenda for Change

In the wake of Ben Ali’s flight from Tunisia, Tunisian authorities have an unprecedented opportunity to address past abuse and overhaul a corrupt security and justice system.

January 26, 2011


Egypt Must Stop Crackdown on Protesters

The crackdown on protesters in Egypt continues for a second day today as Egyptians flock to the streets to speak out against poverty, police abuse and corruption. The blocking of Twitter and other communications seems like an attempt to stop the world from knowing what is happening in Egypt, and to cut off demonstrators from each other.

January 26, 2011


Shell Accused Over Misleading Figures on Nigeria Oil Spills

Amnesty International and Friends of the Earth International today filed an official complaint against oil giant Shell for breaches of basic standards for responsible business for its pollution in the Niger Delta.

January 25, 2011


Demand Justice Now for all victims of the Gaza Conflict – Act Now

It’s been two years since the ceasefires and almost one-and-a-half years since Justice Goldstone presented the findings of the UN FFM. Both Palestinians and Israelis deserve accountability, justice and reparations and it’s time for the international justice process to be allowed to continue.

January 25, 2011


Online Panel With Former Guantanamo Detainee Omar Degahayes

Go to at 7:30PM Pacific time on Wednesday, January 26th to watch a live panel discussion with former Guantanamo detainee Omar Deghayes, Candace Gorman, whose work has included representing two Guantánamo detainees, and Professor Almerindo Ojeda from the UC Davis Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas, which hosts the Guantánamo Testimonials Project. Mr. Deghayes, who was partially blinded at Guantánamo, will join the panel by video link from the UK, where he lives with his family; he is not allowed in the U.S. despite never having been charged, let alone convicted, of a crime. His story of…

January 25, 2011


Inhumane Treatment of WikiLeaks Soldier Bradley Manning

US authorities must alleviate the harsh pre-trial detention conditions of Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking information to Wikileaks. Private Bradley Manning has been held for 23 hours a day in a sparsely furnished solitary cell and deprived of a pillow, sheets, and personal possessions since July 2010.

January 24, 2011


Israel Adds Another Four Months on Anti-Wall Activist Sentence

It wasn’t enough for Israel to send Rahma to jail for a year for leading non-violent protests against the wall/fence in the West Bank. Now, having been kept detained, even after he was suppose to be released November 18th,, Israel has compounded the outrage by tacking on another four months in jail for the prisoner of conscience.

January 24, 2011


Murder Trial of 13-Year-Old Jordan Brown Could Violate International Law

Amnesty International has urged US authorities in Pennsylvania not to try a 13-year-old boy in an adult court as it could result in a violation of international law.

January 24, 2011


Hope that Jan. 25 Demonstrations May Mark a New Direction for Egypt

The difference, of course, is the lightning bolt provided by the Tunisian revolution this month, which has energized human rights and democracy activists in Egypt and throughout the region.

January 24, 2011


Opting Out of Our Degrading Death Penalty

Hospira, Inc., the only FDA approved manufacturer of the lethal injection anesthetic sodium thiopental, has decided to stop making that drug, throwing the status of U.S. executions into disarray.

January 22, 2011