
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Female Domestic Workers Must Be Protected in Indonesia

The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is one of the highest in the East Asia Pacific Region, particularly affecting domestic workers. Join us in urging Indonesia to pass critical legislation to protect domestic workers.

November 10, 2010


DIGNITY for the Seventh Generation Coming

DIGNITY, a collection of iconic photographs by Dana Gluckstein, honors Indigenous Peoples worldwide and celebrates the 50th Anniversary in 2011 of Amnesty International. Proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit Amnesty’s life-saving human rights work.

November 10, 2010


We Can Help Save Nobel Laureate's Lawyer Part II

A great many people have already raised their voices and carried out actions on behalf of imprisoned Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. No one should ever think that even the smallest action they take on behalf of another human being suffering an injustice will go unnoticed. The Iranian government certainly notices when we protest their human rights violations. In my blog posting of yesterday I neglected to clarify one very important thing: Amnesty International does not call for hunger strikes nor does it endorse hunger strikes undertaken by individual members such as myself. This was a personal decision I…

November 9, 2010


Hey Bush: If Waterboarding's So Great, Put this Video in Your Museum!

Warning: This video is not suitable for children. Do not try this at home. Last night in a TV interview former President Bush reiterated that he personally approved waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and would do it again. According to Bush, "the lawyer said it was legal." Try that defense the next time you're accused of a crime. It should become one of the great catchphrases of our time, the "Where's the beef?" of the aughts. Bush also said waterboarding saved lives. First of all, even if it did it's still wrong and a crime. Second, where's the proof?  Actual military interrogators…

November 9, 2010


UN Human Rights Council Reviews U.S. Human Rights Record

This past Friday, the United States appeared before the UN Human Rights Council for its Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The UPR is a process through which the human rights records of all 192 UN Member States are reviewed once every four years. I have come to Geneva to witness the US’s UPR first hand and to keep a spotlight on Amnesty International’s human rights concerns. During the three-hour review, member states had the opportunity to make recommendations to the United States regarding how to improve its human rights record. Although non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are not allowed to speak during the actual review,…

November 9, 2010


Upon Arrival in Indonesia, Obama Must Address Human Rights Issues

As President Obama makes his way to Indonesia, Amnesty International is calling upon him to address human rights issues.

November 8, 2010


Call-In Day of Action for Bhopal

As I mentioned earlier in the week, US President Barack Obama is in India.  At this very moment, he's in New Delhi after a day in India's financial center of Mumbai.  Now is the time to call the White House and tell them that you want justice for the victims of the 1984 Bhopal gas leak from a plant operated by a US based company now owned by Dow Chemical. The International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal (ICJB), a partner of AI's efforts to seek redress for the victims of this awful gas leak, aims to get Bhopal on the…

November 8, 2010


Amnesty International & Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal Release Immigration Films

Amnesty International and Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal launch films on migrants in Mexico.

November 8, 2010


Nobel Laureate's Lawyer is Risking Her Life–Let's Save Her

We have been watching with horror as the Iranian government stomps on the bravest of the country’s human rights defenders—the lawyers who struggle mightily to do the best they can to represent their clients accused of politically motivated offenses in a hopelessly flawed legal system.

November 8, 2010


A Week in Politics

As the dust settles on the midterm election we thought it might be useful to take a moment to assess what implications the results have for the Counter Terror with Justice (CTWJ) campaign.

November 8, 2010


Top 10 Things You Wanted to Know About UNCAT but Were Afraid to Ask

There's been talk recently of  George W. Bush's admission in his new memoir that he personally approved the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and whether the U.N. Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) obligates the U.S. government to prosecute him for the crime of torture. Decide for yourself: read the Q & A below and let us know what YOU think in the comment section. 1. What is the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT)? The acronym UNCAT is a shortened version of The United Nations Convention against Torture, and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The UNCAT is an international human rights…

November 5, 2010


Watch the UN Human Rights Council Review of the U.S. LIVE now!

The U.S. is appearing before the UN Human Rights Council today for it's Universal Periodic Review - a process through which the human rights record of all 192 UN member states is reviewed every four years. Click here to watch the LIVE webcast of the U.S.'s Universal Periodic Review NOW!

November 5, 2010