
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Matching Gift Challenge Ends Thursday – Don't Miss Out!

Our $300k matching gift challenge ends Thursday, Sept 30 at midnight! Don't miss out – make your donation today!

September 29, 2010


California Execution Blocked by Two Courts

California may be keeping its moratorium in place… for now. U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel has blocked the Thursday night execution of Albert Brown.  In a separate ruling, the California Supreme Court also blocked Brown’s execution. Judge Fogel’s decision was a reversal of the one he made last Friday, in which he said Brown’s execution could go forward after Brown himself chose between a single-injection method or a three-drug cocktail. Questions arose, however, when it was discovered that the state’s supply of sodium thiopental, an anesthetic used in executions, is good only until Friday, mere hours after Brown’s scheduled execution.…

September 29, 2010


Egyptians Act to Stop Torture, Find Justice for Khaled Said

Throughout Egypt, particularly in Alexandra and Cairo, large demonstrations have pressed authorities to pursue the killing of Khaled Said.

September 28, 2010


Protests and Police Intimidation at Khaled Said Killing Trial

Amnesty's Sally Sami tries to observe the trial of two policemen accused of beating Egyptian Khaled Said to death but instead is met by heavily armed police and protesters at the courthouse. The Egyptian authorities must ensure that the trial continues without any intervention or intimidation from the police or the security forces.

September 28, 2010


Has India Abandoned Burma?

As India pioneers forward in its quest for expanding frontiers, this is an opportune time for Indians to carefully ponder over who they are and what they are about, lest they find themselves on the wrong side of history.

September 28, 2010


California Rushing to Kill Before Drug Expires

Now we know why California is in a rush to execute Albert Brown.  His lethal injection, now scheduled for 9 pm on Thursday, September 30, will take place just three hours before California’s supply of one of the drugs  expires.  The drug in question, of course, is sodium thiopental, the same drug that its manufacturer, Hospira, has called on states to stop using for executions.   Sodium thiopental, an anesthetic that has very important medical uses, is currently in short supply; using it to kill rather than to heal should be unacceptable to all, regardless of their position on the death…

September 28, 2010


10 Reasons to Abolish the Death Penalty

October 10th, 2010 is the World Day Against the Death Penalty, and the focus this year is on the USA. Here are 10 reasons why we need to stop the death penalty.

September 28, 2010


Kenyan Human Rights Defender Arrested in Wake of Kampala Attack

Uganda arbitrarily arrested Al-Amin Kimanthi, head of the Muslim Human Rights Forum in Kenya, on September 15th as he flew to Uganda to observe the trial of six Kenyans on trial for a bombing in Kampala that killed 76 people.

September 28, 2010


One Quick Call to Stop Violence Against Women!

In just three easy steps, you can make a quick call to your Representative and Senators to ask them to help pass the International Violence Against Women Act.

September 27, 2010


Contemporary Slavery in Brazil a Sad Reality

After responding to an anonymous claim filed last August, the Federal Police identified 14 individuals held as slaves at a farm in Brazil’s western state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The victims, natives to various northeastern states of the country, had travelled to Mato Grosso do Sul in response to attractive job offers and better lives.  Instead, they met slavery and abuse. They were subject to extremely poor living conditions and they lacked employment contracts, which left their rights fully vulnerable.  They worked 13-hour shifts for three entire months, without pay. Having no other option but to buy their food…

September 26, 2010


Accountability for Torture After 'Mohamed v Jeppesen' Setback

A September 8th federal court decision blocked a lawsuit from people who suffered torture through U.S. extraordinary renditions. It is up to us to challenge the acts that have been done in our names.

September 25, 2010


Act Now to Stop the Execution of Brandon Rhode

[Update 12:15 am (Sept. 27): Brandon Rhode was granted a stay of execution by the Georgia Supreme Court on Friday afternoon, a few hours before his second execution date.  The stay will be in effect until Monday, Sept. 27 at 4pm.  He has been scheduled again for execution for Monday, Sept. 27 at7pm.  Please continue to take action!] The state of Georgia wants to execute Brandon Rhode tonight at 7pm. Please take action – ask the Parole Board to stay the execution. Amnesty International just released a new document about the cruelty of the death penalty, highlighting this case and underlining the…

September 24, 2010