
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

Below you’ll find breaking news as well as reports, updates on our campaigns, and victories.

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So Inappropriate

Buried amidst the legal documents in Judge William T. Moore's Troy Davis files is a letter from an ordinary Georgia citizen, a letter Judge Moore apparently asked his clerk to include in the docket.  It says simply: When so much is contested, the penalty of death seems so inappropriate. That makes sense to me. The letter writer correctly observes that Troy Davis' June evidentiary hearing settled nothing.  Witness testimony was all that was available, and, with no physical or scientific evidence, there was no foolproof way to resolve the conflicting stories and accounts that have been the major feature of this case for…

August 27, 2010


From Suffrage to CEDAW – Celebrate Women's Equality Day!

Happy Birthday 19th Amendment! Believe it or not, it’s only been 90 years since the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote in our democracy was made part of the Constitution. Since 1971, we’ve celebrated the anniversary of August 26, 1920, as Women’s Equality Day. One great way to celebrate would be to make sure that every eligible woman is registered to vote. That includes women turning 18 and those who have recently become naturalized citizens. After all, as important as the right to vote is, it’s even more important to use the vote to help shape the direction…

August 27, 2010


Do Sri Lankan Asylum-Seekers Deserve Hearings?

You may not have heard about it, but a boatload of Sri Lankan Tamils recently arrived in Canada.  The Washington Post published an article quoting a former State Dept. official who advocated summarily sending them all back to Sri Lanka.  I objected to that and wrote a letter to the editor published in the Post.  Well, the Sri Lankan Ambassador to the U.S. didn't like my letter and issued a statement in which he says he "refuted" my claims.  I didn't appreciate that and have sent him an open letter in response.  As I said in my letter, I do hope Amnesty…

August 26, 2010


Speak Out for Troy Davis

There are no do-overs when it comes to death. Help by writing a letter to the editor of your local paper in support of Troy Davis.

August 26, 2010


Amnesty Activists Detained at U2 Concert

Five Amnesty International activists were detained by police yesterday before U2's first ever Russian show in Moscow. The detained activists had been holding placards inside the concert venue and collecting signatures for the ‘Demand Dignity’ campaign, which aims to end the human rights violations that drive and deepen global poverty. They were trying to raise awareness about human rights and collecting signatures to a petition.  The Amnesty International official concert stall was also shut down. And while Amnesty International’s activists were invited by U2 to join their European leg of their 360° tour, police officers ignored the activists' protestations that…

August 26, 2010


Campaign of Repression Against Union Organizing in Bangladesh

Labor groups and human rights organizations have denounced the harassment of worker's rights protesters in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka.  This harassment has escalated in the past few days to include arrest and possible torture at the hands of security forces. You can help to end these human rights violations by taking action to free the 21 detained protesters. In recent months garment factory workers demanding labor rights and wage increases have protested in the streets of Dhaka and surrounding areas. Protests by thousands of workers in late June led to the temporary closure of about 700 garment factories. Labor…

August 25, 2010


Armenia: Guys Who Struggled for Independence Are Now in Prison

On Armenia's 20th anniversary of declaration of independence, concerns about the human rights of imprisoned opposition activists.

August 24, 2010


ACTION: Halt Forced Evictions in Georgia

Tell Georgian president to halt forced evictions.

August 24, 2010


Troy Davis Petition Denied

Today Judge William T. Moore, Jr., ruled that Troy Davis did not “clearly establish” his innocence at the hearing held in Savannah on June 23-24. In a welcome development, Judge Moore did rule that it would be unconstitutional to execute an innocent person.

August 24, 2010


Very Big Victory for Human Rights in Orissa

Amnesty International applauds the Government of India's decision to reject a bauxite mine in the Dongria Kondh region of the state of Orissa. We also welcome the government’s decision to suspend the clearance process for the sixfold expansion of the Lanjigarh refinery at the foothills of Niyamgiri, operated by Vedanta subsidiary Vedanta Aluminium, after a government’s expert committee found it to be illegal. It's not often that we get such a clear cut victory, but this is one of those occasions. “After years of struggle and visits by committees our voice has finally reached Delhi,” a Dongria Kondh leader today told Amnesty International.

August 24, 2010


Iran Stoning Case Lawyer Hounded into Exile

The campaign to silence Iran’s bravest voices by any means possible is a tragedy for Iranians and for people around the world who admire the courage of Iranian human rights activists as they persevere despite unimaginable pressures and obstacles.

August 24, 2010


You Have Been Sentenced to…Paralysis?

A judge in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia is considering the possibility of paralysis as punishment in retribution for similar injuries a man allegedly caused during a fight. Saudi Arabia must not sentence this man to deliberate paralysis and adhere to international law regarding torture and inhumane punishment.

August 20, 2010