
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Priorities, Priorities

Pakistan has been in the news lately for some completely horrific human rights violations, including one last week, where 70 Ahmadi worshippers were killed in their mosques in Lahore, allegedly by the Tehrek-e-Taliban.  So, you would think that the Pakistani authorities will be using all of their police resources to ensure that these types of attacks against civilians are prevented.  Suicide bombings have killed dozens of Pakistani civilians in 2010 and hundreds in 2009.  It's really hard to imagine living in a place where you could be killed at a market while shopping for groceries. But, apparently, that is not…

June 2, 2010


BREAKING: Leading Human Rights Activist Found Dead in Congo

We are stunned and appalled by the suspicious death of a prominent and respected human rights defender today in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

June 2, 2010


Still more for us to do in Chad

An Amnesty research team is visiting Chad for the fourth time since 2006. This time the focus of inquiry will be on violence against women, general issues of insecurity, and new work on the recruitment of child soldiers. Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada, is reporting.  You can follow his blog here. The last think I ever would have expected in an isolated corner of eastern Chad is a reunion! This afternoon we made our way out to Koudigou, a camp near Goz Beida that is home to about 11,000 displaced Chadians, most of who have been there…

June 1, 2010


Israeli Killings of Gaza Ship Activists Must Be Investigated

UPDATE: Amnesty International interim Secretary General Claudio Cordone called for an international inquiry into the deaths caused by the raid on the aid flotilla in international waters outside Gaza today. Given the international nature of this incident and the continuing lack of credible Israeli investigations into violations of human rights in the context of the Gaza conflict, there is also a need for an immediate international investigation. The Israeli authorities have the primary responsibility to investigate the use of lethal force by its forces, as well as the claims by Israeli officials that Israeli forces were attacked with a range…

May 31, 2010


Lessons Learnt (or not) in Sri Lanka

This post is part of our Sri Lanka's visit to the U.S. Series. This post was contributed by M.C.M Iqbal, two-time Secretary to Presidential Commissions of Inquiry into Disappearances. I have served two Presidential Commissions appointed by the Sri Lankan government to look into very serious human rights violations – including tens of thousands of enforced disappearances and massacres of civilians by state forces.  And I can attest to the fact that none of their findings or recommendations were taken seriously by the Sri Lankan authorities.  Their detailed conclusions and recommendations aimed at securing justice and redress for victims and…

May 29, 2010


Don't Jirg' Them Around

The Peace Jirga in Afghanistan has been delayed for a second time till June 2, 2010. It is important to know that jirgas are a traditional Afghan legal practice but are not governed by Afghan law. The official word from Pres. Karzai’s office is that ‘technicalities’ of getting that many people to Kabul safely requires more time.  The latest delay only reflects the government's continued lack of organization, says Haroun Mir, a former researcher at the Afghan Center for Research and Policy and a candidate in the upcoming parliamentary elections. "But it [is] also because the government does not have a…

May 29, 2010


Malawi Couple Pardoned by President

It was a lovely and welcome surprise this morning to learn that President Mutharika pardoned Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga. This pardon came only because you as activists stood in solidarity with Steven and Tiwonge and demanded their rights to equality under the law. We joined the voice of the international community demanding these individuals not be persecuted because of their love. But we are asking you not to rest on your laurels. There is still much work to be done. Acts of homophobia occur globally. Amnesty USA is taking action this June during Pride month to call attention to acts…

May 29, 2010


Maoists Sabotage of Train Tracks Leave 71 Innocent Civilians Dead

Maoists guerrillas supposedly fighting for the rights of the poor in the eastern part of India dismantled part of train tracks in West Bengal (a communist ruled state) causing a train full of people travelling from Calcutta to Mumbai (formerly Bombay) to derail, killing 71 people. Those 71 people were all innocent civilians many of whom were likely the poor that the Maoists claim to be fighting on behalf of.  This is the latest in a series of brutal attacks against civilians West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand and Bihar.  

May 28, 2010


Ahmadi Mosques Attacked in Pakistan, 70 Worshippers Dead

I just wrote a post earlier in the morning about a Maoist attack and now I hear about another brutal attack, this time against Ahmadi worshippers in Lahore, the "cultural capital" of Pakistan. Gunmen walked into two Ahmadi mosques in Lahore and started shooting.  At one mosque, three suicide bombers blew themselves up during the service and it is at that mosque where the death toll is so much higher. When we hear news about Pakistan, we often hear about it in terms of what the United States is doing or not doing in the country.  But, keep in mind…

May 28, 2010


Congressman Jack Bauer

You would be forgiven for thinking that Jack Bauer was actually running in the fall elections, as his name is being continually invoked on the campaign trial. The Daily Beast has even been moved to identify a new breed of candidate: “Jack Bauer Republicans.” As a presidential candidate in 2008 Mitt Romney famously promised to “double” Guantanamo if he got elected. Freshman Senator Scott Brown has made political capital out of his support for enhanced interrogation. Now a fresh crop of candidates in this fall’s election are going one step further and making their disregard for the law a national…

May 28, 2010


From the Field: Child Soldiers in Chad

An Amnesty research team is visiting Chad for the fourth time since 2006. This time the focus of inquiry will be on violence against women, general issues of insecurity, and new work on the recruitment of child soldiers. Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada, is reporting.  You can follow his blog here. Putting an end to the recruitment and use of child soldiers is a pressing human rights concern in so very many parts of the world.  It is certainly an immense problem here on both sides of the border between Chad and Darfur.  The full range of…

May 27, 2010


Global justice gap condemns millions to abuse

A global justice gap is being made worse by power politics despite a landmark year for international justice.  So was the conclusion of our world report released today that documents abuses in 159 countries.  State of the World’s Human Rights shows that powerful governments are blocking advances in international justice by standing above the law on human rights, shielding allies from criticism and acting only when politically convenient. Amnesty International is calling on governments to ensure accountability for their own actions, fully sign up to the International Criminal Court and ensure that crimes under international law can be prosecuted anywhere…

May 27, 2010