
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Sheet of paper Report

Egypt: Gender-based violence against women around Tahrir Square

Amnesty International documented a pattern of recent mob-led sexual assaults on women in Cairo's Tahrir Square, including rapes, and called…

February 6, 2013

Press Release

New Report Documents “Horrific, Violent Attacks” on Women, Including Rapes, in Cairo’s Tahrir Square

In a new report today, Amnesty International documented a pattern of recent mob-led sexual assaults on women in Cairo’s Tahrir…

February 6, 2013

Press Release

Unnecessary Lethal Force Used by Security Forces in Weekend Protests in Egypt

Amnesty International said today its researchers documented unnecessary lethal force by security forces in Egypt during a weekend of clashes…

January 28, 2013

Press Release

Egypt’s Morsi Continues To Allow Security Forces To Get Away With Murder

Egypt must ensure the deaths of hundreds of protesters since early 2011 are independently and effectively investigated if the country…

January 24, 2013

Press Release

Egyptian Journalist Facing Military Trial Must Be Released

An Egyptian journalist facing an unfair military trial after he was arrested while covering a story in the North Sinai…

January 7, 2013

Press Release

Egyptian Activist’s Guilty Verdict “Outrageous” Assault on Freedom of Expression

Amnesty International said today that the sentencing of an Egyptian activist to three years in prison for “defamation of religion”…

December 12, 2012

Press Release

Egypt’s new constitution limits fundamental freedoms and ignores the rights of women

A draft constitution approved by Egypt’s Constituent Assembly falls well short of protecting human rights and, in particular, ignores the…

November 30, 2012


Sheet of paper Report

Brutality Unpunished and Unchecked: Egypt’s Military Kill and Torture Protesters with Impunity

Egypt's army repeatedly used unnecessary and excessive force, including lethal force, to disperse peaceful demonstrations.

October 2, 2012

Sheet of paper Report

Agents of Repression: Egypt’s Police and the Case for Reform

Amnesty's new report highlights serious breaches of human rights by policy in Egypt, and makes the case for police reform.

October 2, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on Egypt to Arrest Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir Upon Entry into Egypt

Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir, wanted by the ICC for war crimes and crimes against humanity, is due to meet President…

September 14, 2012

Press Release

Egypt Must Halt Prosecution of Journalist

Mubarak-era laws in Egypt continue to criminalize expression and target journalists critical of President Morsi and the new government.

August 23, 2012

Press Release

Egypt’s New President Mohamed Morsi Must Make Firm Commitment to Human Rights

President Morsi must break the cycle of abuse perpetuated under Hosni Mubarak and curtail military power over civilians.

June 29, 2012