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Global Day of Action for Troy Davis, May 19

On April 16, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Troy Davis’ application for permission to file a new petition in Federal Court.  This denial cannot be appealed, but Davis’ stay of execution was extended an extra 30 days to allow him to file an “original” habeas corpus petition with the US Supreme Court. So, Troy Davis’ stay of execution expires on May 16. On Tuesday, May 19, groups in Georgia, the United States, and around the world, will be organizing for the Global Day of Action for Troy Davis.  These worldwide protests will demonstrate how widespread is the feeling…

April 27, 2009


Sri Lanka: When a ceasefire isn't enough

The opposition Tamil Tigers announced a unilateral ceasefire today, which the Sri Lankan government immediately dismissed.  Successive government offensives in recent months have reduced the Tiger-held area to a 5 square-mile strip of land along Sri Lanka's northeastern coast.  (If you're new to this story, the Tigers have been fighting since 1983 for independent state in the north and east of Sri Lanka for the island's Tamil minority.)  Trapped with the Tigers are an estimated 50,000 civilians, who've been used by the Tigers as human shields and a source for forced recruitment.  The Sri Lankan government has pointed out that the Tiger…

April 26, 2009


UN sending mission to Sri Lankan conflict zone, but will they be allowed in?

Yesterday, I wrote that U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had announced that a U.N. humanitarian team would be sent to the conflict zone in Sri Lanka to assess the situation and try to protect the trapped civilians.  This was apparently with the agreement of the Sri Lankan President. Well, today, the Sri Lankan Human Rights Minister said at a press conference that intense fighting between the army and the opposition Tamil Tigers in the conflict zone was making it "virtually impossible" to allow any U.N. staff to visit the zone.  The U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes said today that the…

April 24, 2009


Israel's Investigation into Gaza Offensive More Than Disappointing

The Israeli Army (IDF) this week concluded that its forces had committed no violations during the recent Gaza military offensive. Most shocking to me was the claim that "no phosphorus munitions were used on built-up areas". I recently spent a whole week with the members of our Gaza mission team, who entered Gaza a few hours before Israel's halt of attacks. They found hundreds of white phosphorus-wedges in residential areas all over Gaza. To learn more about White Phosphorus from a guy who actually used it, check out the video clip. Following are excerpts of statements from human rights groups…

April 24, 2009


Govt Running Out the Clock on Torture

(As originally posted on Daily Kos) Let’s be clear, calls to allow the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to conduct its own investigation into the abuses committed in secret CIA detention centers are little more than an attempt to play out the clock by freezing judicial investigations in until the 8 year statute of limitations on Anti-Torture Act crimes starts to render them moot from the spring of 2010 onwards. The Select Committee has had plenty of time to complete its own investigations. Indeed, senior members of the committee, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were briefed on the adoption of…

April 24, 2009


Obama Drops Resistance to Investigating Torture

President Obama gingerly retreated Tuesday from his resistance to a Congressionally-authorized commission of inquiry to investigate US detention and interrogation practices.  During a photo-op with the King of Jordan, he acknowledged that it is up to Congress and the Attorney General, respectively, to decide whether to authorize a special investigatory commission, or initiate a criminal investigation of torture allegations.  The President moved closer to what Amnesty and other NGOs have long been advocating -- namely, not a commission composed of members of Congress, but a truly independent body consisting of internationally-recognized experts with no partisan affiliation. Amnesty has called for a commission to be composed…

April 23, 2009


Distinguishing between civilians and Tigers

The Sri Lankan Foreign Minister said today that since Monday, over 100,000 civilians had fled the remaining area controlled by the Tamil Tigers and crossed into government-held territory, and that only 15-20,000 civilians were still left in the Tiger-held area (which had earlier been designated by the government as a "no-fire zone" but scarcely merits that title now).  The Minister also said that the Tigers had suffered "massive casualties" during the army's offensive against them.  He claimed that any civilian casualties had been caused solely by the Tigers.  He dismissed calls for international monitors in the conflict area. I found the implications…

April 23, 2009


Tweet to help Amnesty win $100k for human rights!

Today, please send Twitter messages supporting Amnesty International to actor Hugh Jackman @RealHughJackman.  The actor is asking fans to help him choose a charity worthy of his $100,000 donation and we hope you agree that Amnesty’s work to defend human rights and protect lives should be it. "The more passion shown for your charity the better! Get the support of your friends and teach them the importance of giving" wrote Jackman on Twitter. < p style="text-align: left;"> 2.2 million people around the world already show their passion by fighting with Amnesty to free prisoners of conscience, abolish the death penalty,…

April 23, 2009


Yoland Foster, AI's researcher on Sri Lanka, Comments on the Current Crisis

Watch Yolanda Foster comment on the concerns for civilians still caught up in the fighting in Sri Lanka: » English » Tamil Amnesty International is calling for the Sri Lankan government to extend a humanitarian truce, allowing aid to be received by families who are experiencing heavy shelling, who are unable to retrieve the bodies of their loved ones from within combat areas and who are liable to be killed on their way to receiving medical help.

April 22, 2009


How the Situation Looks in Sri Lanka

Recent satellite images from the UN agency UNOSAT offer a glimpse of the drama currently unfolding in Sri Lanka. As the images show, IDPs that arrived in late February and early March were forced to set up their tents in areas previously avoided by fleeing civilians. They sought shelter on wetlands prone to flooding and along the beach within 200 meters of the coastline. Now they are caught up in the fighting.  Alertnet just put out a useful Q & A on the current sitation of civilians suffering in Sri Lanka's civil war. I can only repeat what our Sri Lanka…

April 22, 2009


New Report Confirms Hamas' Deadly Campaign During Gaza War

Human Rights Watch (HRW) this week released a report detailing the unlawful killings and torture of Palestinians by Hamas during the recent Gaza conflict. This report confirms Amnesty’s own findings, published in February, of instances where Hamas murdered and tortured Palestinians. They accused the victims of "collaborating" with Israel, or the victims were members of opposing Palestinian parties, including Fatah. The HRW report provides a more in depth analysis of the situation. The report claims that Hamas forces and masked gunmen alleged to be members of Hamas extra-judicially executed more than 30 people since December and injured dozens more by…

April 22, 2009


The Latest from Standing Rock Sioux Reservation

Today I was out around different areas of the Reservation visiting various Aunties and other women elders who participated in the Maze of Injustice report research almost three years ago now. I'm disappointed because we are not able to visit everyone. There is so much flooding and flooding warnings as a result of 12 foot high snow drifts that some areas of the Reservation are inaccessible. The whole Tribal Nation of Standing Rock has been identified as a disaster zone. Many officers from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have been visiting throughout the week and going on tours of flood damage with various members of Tribal Council--it has…

April 22, 2009