
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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A presidential pardon would not preclude accountability

The worth of a law is in its enforcement; if a law is not enforced, then it has no more value than a platitude, aspiration, or preference.  Because of this reason, one of AIUSA’s CTWJ campaign goals 100 days goals for the new administration is “accountability.”  Or in other words, AIUSA will demand that the government account for illegal or wrongful conduct of its employees or agents in the “war on terror.” At first glace, a general presidential pardon (which seems likely in some form) threatens the accountability process.  But as I explain below, a pardon will likely only have…

November 12, 2008


Don't Just Close It, Close It Right!

OK, I just ate lunch (yes at 4:39 PM) and I need a few minutes to digest before I dive into emails, so I thought I'd post this, off the top of my head. Please excuse any burrito-coma induced spelling and/or grammatical and/or policy mistakes. Anyway, there's been a lot of talk in the last week about when and how President-elect Obama will close GTMO, and while it's good that he's said he will close it, it needs to be done the right way. In part, that means no: "National Security Courts." As a New Yorker who saw the towers fall, I…

November 12, 2008


"A Hole in the Law?"

Earlier today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Bell v. Kelly, a Virginia case that has important implications for death penalty litigation. The issue in the case is complex.  Under federal law, federal courts are required to give great deference to state court rulings on claims raised in a federal  habeas petition that have already been adjudicated in state courts.  So, a federal court will NOT consider whether the state court’s decision was right or wrong, but only whether it was “unreasonable”.  But what if the petitioner brings new evidence on a claim to the federal court, evidence the state…

November 12, 2008


Battling Impunity in Guatemala

Excavating human remains, using forensic techniques to identify them, hoping the evidence will help bring the killers to justice--it may sound fascinating and even glamorous to some, but this is no "CSI Miami". These investigators have been threatened, followed, watched, and shot at on many occasions because of their work to combat impunity. The Guatemalan Foundation of Forensic Anthropology (FundaciĂłn Guatemalteca de AntropologĂ­a Forense - FAFG) carries out forensic investigations and exhumations of mass graves dating from the time of Guatemala's internal armed conflict (1960-1996). The uncovering of mass graves and the identification of human remains is a key contribution…

November 11, 2008


Esha and the Anatomy of a Human Rights Movement

Isn't it a little unrealistic to think writing a letter asking a world leader to free one prisoner will really make a difference? Maybe. But it's not just one letter--it's thousands that arrive on an official's desk. It's experts speaking out to the press. It's individuals supporting the family of those wrongly imprisoned.  It's researchers knowing the facts that can lead to accountability. It's lobbyists urging officials to use their influence with other leaders to promote justice. That's Amnesty International. That's the human rights movement. Case in point: Amnesty International USA's Iran Country Specialist Elise Auerbach filled in CNN today  about Iran's recent release of American-born graduate…

November 11, 2008


3 Steps for President Obama

Please be sure to take our new "100 Days Action," urging President-elect Obama to take three essential steps in the first 100 days of his term to close Guantanamo, eradicate torture and end impunity for human rights abuses: > Announce a plan and date to close Guantanamo; >Issue an executive order to ban torture and other ill-treatment, as defined under international law; >Ensure that an independent commission to investigate abuses committed by the U.S. government in its "war on terror" is set up. These three steps are part of a "checklist" of actions Amnesty International is asking the new U.S. President to take…

November 11, 2008


Suicide By Court

On November 21, Kentucky is set to execute Marco Allen Chapman, who was sentenced to death for the murder of two children in 2002.  He rejected efforts to defend him at trial, and has refused to pursue any appeals.  Since the moment of his arrest, when he asked police to shoot him in the head, Chapman has been trying to commit “state-assisted suicide”, or “suicide by Court”.  Next Friday, Kentucky may well grant him his wish. Such voluntary executions are not a rare occurrence.  About 130, or more than 10% of all executions since 1977, have been “volunteers”.  In some…

November 11, 2008


Forced to Leave Home

Every day across the world people make the difficult decision to leave their homes. War, persecution, environmental disaster and poverty are just some of the reasons why a person might feel that they have to leave their family, community or country. Refugees leave their country because they have no other choice and fear for their own life or safety or that of their family. Refugees also flee their country when their government will not or cannot protect them from serious human rights abuses. Right now, as you read this, millions of people around the world have fled and are waiting…

November 10, 2008


Bali Bombers Executed

On Saturday, November 8, Indonesia executed three men (Amrozi bin H. Nurhasyim, Ali Ghufron, aka Mukhlas, and Imam Samudera) known as the “Bali Bombers”, because of the bombings for which they were convicted on the island of Bali which killed over 200 people, many of them tourists from Australia.  The days leading up to these executions were fraught with high drama, with opinions on all sides coming in from Indonesia, Australia and beyond.  Arguments about whether the executions would make martyrs out of the Bali Bombers dominated the discussion.  Although the long-term impact remains to be seen, one of the…

November 10, 2008


DRC: Protect Civilians NOW!

While African and UN leaders today discuss the recent spike in violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, civilians continue to suffer on the ground. The unraveling of the fragile ceasefire over the last hours further increased the urgency for the international community to step up its effort to help. The UN peacekeeping force MONUC remains the last hope of hundreds of thousands of affected civilians, mainly women and children. However, the force is thinly stretched and cannot enforce its mandate of stopping attacks against civilians, protect humanitarian operations and enforce the UN arms embargo. The absolute priority for…

November 7, 2008


If I can blog, why can't he?

I can sit in my ergonomic chair as I type, comforted not only by the lower back support, but by the knowledge that whatever I type here will not get me thrown into the local jail. But others are not so lucky..... ...they don't have an ergonomic chair.  Yeah, maybe Raja Petra, Malaysian political commentator for the blog Malaysia Today, doesn't have an ergonomic chair by his computer. But that's not biggest denial of human rights he has suffered as a journalist. Raja was detained in September, his second time in prison for blogging. His "devious" crime? He wrote of wrongdoing by Malaysian goverment officials. But they arrested him under…

November 7, 2008


Amnesty’s Solution to DRC is…More Guns??

I was asked today about Amnesty International’s increasing calls for the UN Security Council to act to reinforce the peacekeeping force currently in DRC (acronym MONUC…it’s French and I can’t find the circumflex character to spell it out). Given the awful situiation in the East of the country, calling on the Security Council to, in his words, “put more guns” in the Kivus was “not going to help in the long run,” he offered. After quickly noting that Amnesty’s call is to strengthen the ability of MONUC to protect civilians…which include more police and armed personnel, but also trucks, aircraft, training to help victims of sexual violence, and…

November 7, 2008