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Press Release

Amnesty International Demands Sri Lanka Prosecute Security Agents Involved in Torture

Sri Lanka is not credibly investigating torture, Amnesty International said on the eve of a review by the U. N. Committee Against Torture into the country.

November 7, 2011

Press Release

Finland Must Further Investigate US Rendition Flights, says Amnesty International

The Finnish authorities must further investigate newly released data to determine if U.S. rendition flights landed in the country, Amnesty International said today.

November 1, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Afghanistan to Cooperate with Neighboring Region to Defend Human Rights

The Afghan government must work with neighboring countries to protect human rights while facing an increasingly bloody insurgency, Amnesty International said today as a conference in Istanbul brought together officials from across the region.

November 1, 2011

Press Release

As Rendition Victim Takes Case Against Lithuania to European Court, Amnesty International Reiterates its Call for Secret Prisons Investigation

Lithuania’s failure to investigate its role in the U.S.-led rendition program has forced an alleged victim of secret detention to take his case to the European Court of Human Rights, Amnesty International said today.

October 28, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Restraint as Police Clamp Down on Occupy Wall Street Protests

Amnesty International urged authorities to ensure that police show restraint in their response to Occupy Wall Street protests, following critical injuries suffered by a man in Oakland, Ca. in clashes between police and demonstrators.

October 27, 2011

Press Release

Wounded Patients in Syria’s Hospitals are Tortured, Along with Medical Staff Suspected of Treating Injured Protesters, Says New Amnesty International Report

The Syrian government has turned hospitals into instruments of repression in its efforts to crush opposition, Amnesty International said today in a new report that documents the torture of injured patients and of medical professionals suspected of treating wounded protesters.

October 25, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Dominican Republic to Tackle Alarming Levels of Police Abuse, in New Report

  Human rights organization to release new findings at Santo Domingo press conference   Contact: Sharon Singh, [email protected], 202-509-8194 (Washington, DC) -- Authorities in the Dominican Republic must urgently reform their police force to tackle alarming levels of killings and torture, Amnesty International said in a new report today at a press conference in Santo Domingo. 'Shut up if you don’t want to be killed:' Human rights violations by the police in the Dominican Republic documents scores of cases of killings, torture and ill-treatment at the hands of police and the lack of effective investigations gathered during three recent research…

October 25, 2011

Press Release

Wounded Patients in Syria’s Hospitals are Tortured, Along with Medical Staff Suspected of Treating Injured Protesters

Human Rights Organization Documents Cases of Injured Protesters Being Beaten by Security Agents in Hospitals Contact: Suzanne Trimel, 212-633-4150, [email protected] (New York) -- The Syrian government has turned hospitals into instruments of repression in its efforts to crush opposition, Amnesty International said today in a new report that documents the torture of injured patients and of medical professionals suspected of treating wounded protesters. Afraid of the consequences of going to a government hospital, many people have chosen to seek treatment either at private hospitals or at poorly equipped makeshift field hospitals. Doctors at the National Hospital in Homs told Amnesty…

October 24, 2011

Press Release

Civilians in Central African Republic Bear Brunt of Decades of Violence and Abuse

Local and foreign armed groups in the Central African Republic are still killing, abducting, torturing and raping civilians, as well as burning houses and looting property, Amnesty International said in a report released today.

October 20, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls Senator Ayotte’s Amendment to Bar All Foreign Terror Suspects from Federal Trials “Dangerous”

--- Human rights organization urges Senate to vote against amendment   Contact: Sharon Singh 202-509-8194, [email protected] (Washington, DC) – Geneve Mantri, Amnesty International government relations director for security and human rights, issued the following statement regarding a new amendment by Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) to the appropriations omnibus bill on the Senate floor that would bar all foreign terror suspects from federal trials: “This new amendment goes further than any previous attempt to undermine both human rights and the fight against terrorism and is dangerous. It would remove a keystone which serves to keep the United States safe. “The definition…

October 20, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Arms trade to Middle East and North Africa shows failure of export controls

Police and security forces in the Middle East and North Africa responded to the mass popular uprisings witnessed there after December 2010 with brutal repression. This crackdown by the authorities has involved the use of weaponry, munitions and related equipment imported from major arms-exporting nations. This report examines arms transfers to the region and explores some common principles that can be applied by states when authorizing arms transfers, and which should underpin the Treaty's framework.

October 18, 2011

Press Release

Amnesty International Finds Widespread Abuse — and Even Torture — of Captured and Detained Al-Gaddafi Soldiers, Loyalists and Mercenaries Under Libya’s Transitional Government

Captured al-Gaddafi soliders, suspected loyalists and mercenaries held in western Libya are being beaten, and, in some cases, tortured in custody, Amnesty International said today in a new report that calls on the Libyan transitional authorities to immediately halt both arbitrary detentions and widespread abuse of detainees.

October 13, 2011