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Sheet of paper Report

Nigeria: Time to end contempt for human rights

The present military government in Nigeria has a record of open contempt for human rights. This report begins with an audit...

March 26, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Nigeria 2010

Head of state and government Umaru Musa Yar'Adua Death penalty retentionist Population 154.7 million Life expectancy 47.7 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 190/184 per 1,000 Adult literacy 72 per cent The police continued to commit with impunity a wide range of human rights violations, including unlawful killings, torture and other ill-treatment, and enforced disappearances. Some people were targeted for failing to pay bribes. Several people were tortured to death in police detention. Prisoners were held in appalling conditions, many of whom had been awaiting trial for years. The government intimidated and harassed human rights defenders and journalists. Violence against women remained…

March 19, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Nigeria warned over rise in pre-election violence

On 2 April elections will begin in Nigeria. The Nigerian authorities and the Independent National Electoral Commission must prevent a repeat of the political violence that characterised the 2007 and 2003 elections. In the run-up to the elections, the country has seen an increase in violence. Several hundred people have been killed in politically-motivated, communal and sectarian violence in the past six months. Amnesty International appeals to security forces, political parties, armed groups and other entities engaged in acts of violence to refrain from committing further human rights abuses.

March 18, 2011