
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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People attend a memorial Mass to mark the one-year death anniversary of slain councilwoman Marielle Franco, at the Candelaria Catholic Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Thursday, March 14, 2019. Authorities arrested two former police officers Tuesday in the killing of Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes, a brazen assassination that shocked Brazilians and sparked protests in several countries. (Photo by Fabio Vieira/FotoRua/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Press Release

18 Months On, Brazilian Authorities Must Not Let Marielle Franco Killing Remain Unsolved

Six months after authorities in Rio de Janeiro arrested two men accused of killing Marielle Franco and her driver, Anderson Gomes, and committed to continue the investigations in meetings with Amnesty International and Marielle’s family, they have yet to make any meaningful progress in identifying those who ordered the crime and their motives.

September 11, 2019

Apple released am update of its current firmware for iOS devices after Egyptian journalist Ahmed Mansoor had been targeted on his phone with spyware made by an Israeli company that specialises in the intelligence gathering through personal, electronic devices. (Photo by Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Press Release

Israeli Spyware Firm NSO Must Match Words With Action

Responding to news that Israeli spyware firm NSO Group, whose malicious technology has been used by governments to target activists, has announced it will respect human rights and take steps to prevent its tools being used to commit abuses in future, Danna Ingleton, Deputy Director of Amnesty Tech, said:

September 10, 2019

A demonstrator holds a poster Free Esmail Bakhshi a Iranian political prisoner during a protest at the Dam Square on April 21, 2019 in Amsterdam,Netherlands. Exiled Iranians call on the UE Government and protest against the repression on the political prisoners in Iran. (Photo by Paulo Amorim/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Press Release

Prison and Flogging Sentences For Seven Iranian Journalists and Activists ‘Disgraceful Injustice’

Responding to reports of a Revolutionary Court’s decision on September 7 to hand four journalists and three labor rights activists between six and 18 years in prison and, in one case, 74 lashes on bogus national security charges, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Research and Advocacy Director, Philip Luther, said:

September 9, 2019

People hold placards with an appeal to free Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov during a rally in Kiev on July 1, 2018, to demand the release Oleg Sentsov and other Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia. - Oleg Sentsov, who is serving a 20-year prison sentence in Russia, who have spent more than a month on hunger strike in jail to demand Moscow release Ukrainian political prisoners. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP) (Photo credit should read GENYA SAVILOV/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and others freed in prisoner swap

Reacting to the news that Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and dozens of other detainees have been released as a part of prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine, Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, said: “Oleg Sentsov and many others jailed following Russia’s occupation and illegal annexation of Crimea are simply victims of politically-motivated prosecution and they should never have been imprisoned in the first place. While it is a relief that they are now free, it is a travesty to see them being used as human bargaining chips in political deals. “The conflict in eastern…

September 7, 2019

Press Release

Killing of Afghani Human Rights Defender Is A War Crime

Responding to the news that Abdul Samad Amiri, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission’s acting director in Ghor province, was kidnapped and killed by the Taliban, Amnesty International’s South Asia Campaigner, Samira Hamidi, said:

September 5, 2019


Press Release

Human Rights Defenders in Afghanistan Under Attack From the Authorities and Armed Groups

Afghanistan’s human rights community is under intensifying attacks from both the authorities and armed groups as human rights defenders and activists face intimidation, harassment, threats and violence, Amnesty International said in a briefing released today.

August 29, 2019

Syrian refugees make their way to board buses in the Beirut suburb of Burj Hammoud, north of the capital on August 29, 2019, as they prepare to return home to neighbouring Syria. (Photo by ANWAR AMRO / AFP) (Photo credit should read ANWAR AMRO/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Syrian Families Left Alone to Find Answers About Disappeared Relatives

The families of tens of thousands of people who have been forcibly disappeared or abducted since the onset of the crisis in Syria in 2011have suffered years of agony in the face of government denials and insufficient support from the international community, Amnesty International said today.

August 29, 2019

Myanmar human rights activist and film director Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi speaks to journalists after a court verdict in Yangon on August 29, 2019. - A Myanmar filmmaker was sentenced to a year in prison on August 29 after he criticised the military, as free expression advocates warn of "grave threats" to those who challenge the powerful armed services. (Photo by Sai Aung MAIN / AFP) (Photo credit should read SAI AUNG MAIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Filmmaker Sentenced To One Year In Prison In Myanmar For Facebook Post

Responding to the decision by the Insein Township Court to sentence filmmaker Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi to one year in prison on charges of undermining the military, Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s Director for East and South East Asia, said:

August 29, 2019

Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) member Jimmy Sham (C) speaks during a press conference in Hong Kong on June 15, 2019 after Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam suspended a hugely divisive bill that would allow extraditions to China in a major climbdown after a week of unprecedented protests and political unrest. (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL / AFP) (Photo credit should read HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Vicious Attack Against Pro-Democracy Protest Organizer in Hong Kong

Responding to an attack in Hong Kong on Thursday lunchtime against Jimmy Sham, the convenor of the Civil Human Rights Front, by masked men wielding baseball bats, Man-kei Tam, Director of Amnesty International Hong Kong, said:

August 29, 2019

Press Release

Amnesty International Votes to Divest From Fossil Fuel Companies

Amnesty International will divest from fossil fuel companies in acknowledgement that investment in an industry whose products are the primary source of the climate crisis is at odds with the organization’s mission of protecting and championing human rights.

August 5, 2019

Smoke rises above a rebel-held town east of the city of Daraa during airstrikes by Syrian regime forces on June 30, 2018. - At least eight battered rebel-held towns in southern Syria returned to regime control under Russian-brokered deals after nearly two weeks of bombardment, a Britain-based monitor said. (Photo by Mohamad ABAZEED / AFP) (Photo credit should read MOHAMAD ABAZEED/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

UN Secretary General Orders Investigation Into Atrocities in Idlib, Syria

The plans for a UN investigation into attacks targeting hospitals in Idlib, and other buildings clearly identified as civilian objects by the UN, offer hope that perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity can be identified and held accountable.

August 1, 2019

Press Release

Amnesty International Israel’s Office Targeted with Death Threat

The Israeli authorities must urgently investigate death threats targeting three civil society organizations, including Amnesty International’s Israeli section in Tel Aviv, the organization’s International Secretariat said today.

July 31, 2019