
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - AUGUST 1: A couple take a 'selfie' in front of religious protestors demonstrating against homosexuality while thousands of participants and supporters take part in the 25th annual Belfast Pride parade on August 1, 2015 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Same-sex marriage whilst legal in the United Kingdom is still not recognised in Northern Ireland despite repeated votes on the issue. The governing Northern Ireland Executive has stated that it does not intend to introduce legislation allowing for same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)

Press Release

Same-Sex Marriage to be Legalized in Northern Ireland and UK Must Legislate on Ending Abortion Ban

Today marks huge progress for the rights of Northern Irish citizens, said Amnesty International, as MPs voted through amendments to the Northern Ireland Executive Formation Bill which will see same-sex marriage legalized, while the UK Government is forced to legislate for abortion reform, including decriminalization.

July 9, 2019

Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo Addresses The Media
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 15: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo answers questions at the U.S. State Department March 15, 2019 in Washington, DC. During his remarks Pompeo said sanctions will be imposed by the United States on any individuals involved in International Criminal Court proceedings against American army personnel. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Press Release

Trump Administration Commission on Unalienable Rights Politicizes Human Rights for Hate

Reacting to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's announcement today of a creation of a Commission on Unalienable Rights, Joanne Lin, national director of advocacy and government affairs at Amnesty International USA said: "This administration has actively worked to deny and take away long-standing human rights protections since Trump's inauguration. If this administration truly wanted to support people's rights, it would use the global framework that's already in place. Instead, it wants to undermine rights for individuals, as well as the responsibilities of governments. "This approach only encourages other countries to adopt a disregard for basic human rights standards and…

July 8, 2019

An elderly woman sitting at her small space in the shelter at Jaw Masat IDPs camp in Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar on December 10, 2018.

Sheet of paper Report

“Fleeing my whole life”: Older people’s experience of conflict and displacement in Myanmar

Tens of thousands of older women and men from ethnic minorities across Myanmar who faced military atrocities and were forced to flee their homes are being let down by a humanitarian system that often fails to adequately address their rights and needs, Amnesty International said in a report published today. “Fleeing my whole life”: Older people’s experience of conflict and displacement in Myanmar is the organization’s first comprehensive investigation into the specific ways older people’s rights and dignity are not respected amid armed conflict and crisis, as well in the provision of humanitarian assistance. “For decades, Myanmar’s ethnic minorities have suffered recurrent abuse at…

June 17, 2019

Iranian lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh hugs get son Nima at her home in Tehran on September 18, 2013, after being freed after three years in prison. Sotoudeh told AFP she was in "good" physical and psychological condition, and pledged to continue her human rights work. Her release came a week before Irans new moderate President Hassan Rowhani, who has promised more freedoms at home and constructive engagement with the world, travels to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly. AFP PHOTO/BEHROUZ MEHRI (Photo credit should read BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

More than 1 million people join global campaign to demand Iranian government release Nasrin Sotoudeh

More than a million people in more than 200 countries and territories across the globe have come together to express their outrage at the sentencing of prominent Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh to 38 years and six months in prison and 148 lashes after two grossly unfair trials, Amnesty International announced today, as signatures demanding her release were handed in to Iranian embassies around the world. To mark one year since Nasrin Sotoudeh’s arrest, Amnesty International is organizing a global handover of the signatures collected, calling on the Iranian authorities to release her immediately and unconditionally. Under Iran’s sentencing…

June 12, 2019

Sheet of paper Report

Transgender people in China risk their lives with dangerous self – surgery

Transgender people in China are performing highly dangerous surgery on themselves and buying unsafe hormone treatments on the black market because it is almost impossible for them to access the health care they urgently need, Amnesty International said in a new report. “I need my parents’ consent to be myself- Barriers to gender-affirming treatments for transgender people in China” reveals that prevalent discrimination and stigma, restrictive eligibility requirements, and a lack of information, leave transgender people to seek unregulated and unsafe gender-affirming treatments. “China is failing transgender people. Discriminatory laws and policies have left many people feeling they have no…

May 9, 2019

In this picture taken on April 25, 2019, a Sri Lankan Muslim woman walks along a beach with her child in Kattankudy. - Zahran Hashim's sword-wielding zealotry fuelled fears in the sleepy east coast town of Kattankudy long before the cleric became Sri Lanka's most wanted man over the horrific Easter Sunday suicide attacks. The country's president announced on April 26 that Hashim led and died in the attack on the Shangri-La hotel in Colombo -- one of three hotels and three churches hit by bombers wearing explosive backpacks. (Photo by LAKRUWAN WANNIARACHCHI / AFP) (Photo credit should read LAKRUWAN WANNIARACHCHI/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Ban on face-veil risks stigmatizing Muslim women in Sri Lanka

Responding to Sri Lanka’s emergency regulations imposing a ban on clothing that conceals the face, Amnesty International’s Deputy South Asia Director, Dinushika Dissanayake, said: “At a time when many Muslims in Sri Lanka fear a backlash, imposing a ban that effectively targets women wearing a face veil for religious reasons risks stigmatizing them. They will be forced out of public spaces to stay at home and will be unable to work, study or access basic services. The ban violates their rights to non-discrimination,  freedom of expression and religion. “Where there are legitimate security concerns, the authorities can carry out identity checks when…

April 30, 2019


Amnesty International USA Statement for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Review of the FY2020 State Department Budget Request

April 10, 2019 The Honorable James E. Risch                                   The Honorable Bob Menendez Chairman                                                                  Ranking Member Foreign Relations Committee                                      Foreign Relations Committee U.S. Senate                    …

April 9, 2019

Yellow and white graphic with the Amnesty international logo on the bottom left and the word

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Provisional release of three women activists a positive step, but bogus charges must be dropped

Responding to the release of three Saudi women activists, Iman al-Nafjan, Aziza al-Yousef and Ruqayyaa al-Mhareb, Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International’s Middle East Director of Research, said: “The release from jail of Iman al-Najfan, Aziza al-Yousef and Ruqayyah al-Mhareb, who will finally be able to return to their homes and loved ones after their 10-month ordeal of arbitrary detention and torture, is welcome news. “This is a long overdue step as these women should never have been jailed in the first place and their release should certainly not be on a ‘temporary’ basis. They have been locked up, separated from their loved ones,…

March 28, 2019

Sheet of paper Report

If they can have her, why can’t we?

Police in the Dominican Republic routinely rape, beat, humiliate and verbally abuse women sex workers to exert social control over them and to punish them for transgressing social norms of acceptable femininity and sexuality, said Amnesty International in a new report released today. ‘If they can have her, why can’t we?’ chronicles the stories of 46 Dominican cisgender and transgender women sex workers, many of whom reported suffering various forms of violence, much of which amount to gender-based torture and other ill-treatment. The criminalized status of sex workers combined with profound machismo, fuels arbitrary detentions by police and enables these grave human…

March 28, 2019


Amnesty International USA Statement on US State Department’s Foreign Policy Strategy and Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2020

March 25, 2019 The Honorable Eliot Engel Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee U.S. House of Representatives 2170 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Michael McCaul Ranking Member Foreign Affairs Committee U.S. House of Representatives 2170 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 RE: Amnesty International USA Statement on State Department’s Foreign Policy Strategy and FY20 Budget Request Dear Chairman Engel, Ranking Member McCaul, and members of the Committee: On behalf of Amnesty International and our more than seven million members and supporters worldwide, we hereby submit this statement for the record. Amnesty International is an international human rights…

March 25, 2019

Loujain al-Hathloul, Iman al-Nafjan, Aziza al-Youssef, Samar Badawi and Nassima al-Sada are women human rights defenders who have campaigned for women’s rights to drive and against the guardianship system in Saudi Arabia.

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Women activists persecuted under bogus charges. Speaking to Amnesty is not a crime

The prosecution of 11 women activists before a Criminal Court in Riyadh for their human rights work and contact with international organizations is an appalling escalation of the Saudi authorities’ crackdown on peaceful activism.

March 14, 2019

March to mark one month of the killings of the human rights defender and city councilor Marielle Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Press Release

Brazil: After a year of impunity, authorities must bring Marielle Franco’s killers to justice

One year on from the killing of the human rights defender and Rio de Janeiro city councillor Marielle Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes, Brazilian authorities are still failing to provide their families and society with adequate answers, and their inability to identify those responsible and bring them to justice continues to put other human rights defenders at risk.

March 10, 2019