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Press Release

Niger: Press Freedom in Jeopardy as Journalists Working on Conflict Intimidated and Arrested

Press freedom in Niger is in jeopardy as transitional authorities intimidate and arbitrarily arrest journalists.

May 3, 2024


Sheet of paper Report

Nigeria: Amnesty activists uncover serious negligence by oil giants Shell and Eni

A groundbreaking research project by Amnesty International has exposed evidence of serious negligence by oil giants Shell and Eni, whose irresponsible approach to oil spills in the Niger Delta is exacerbating an environmental crisis. Through the Decoders network, an innovative platform developed by Amnesty International to crowdsource human rights research, the organization enlisted thousands of supporters and activists to collect data about oil spills in the Niger Delta. Their findings were then analyzed by Amnesty International’s researchers and verified by Accufacts, an independent pipelines expert. According to this publicly available data, Amnesty International found that Shell and Eni are taking…

March 15, 2018

Press Release

Amnesty International’s Annual State of the World Report Slams Governments, Including the U.S., for Global Assault on Freedoms

On the launch of its 2015 State of the World report, Amnesty International USA urged President Obama to use his last year in office to bring U.S. laws and policies in line with international human rights standards.

February 22, 2016

Press Release

Your rights in jeopardy, global assault on freedoms, warns Amnesty International

International protection of human rights is in danger of unravelling as short-term national self-interest and draconian security crackdowns have led to a wholesale assault on basic freedoms and rights, warned Amnesty International as it launched its annual assessment of human rights around the world. “Your rights are in jeopardy: they are being treated with utter contempt by many governments around the world,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

February 18, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Amnesty International State of the World 2015-2016

International protection of human rights is in danger of unravelling as short-term national self-interest and draconian security crackdowns have led to a wholesale assault on basic freedoms and rights, warned Amnesty International as it launched its annual assessment of human rights around the world. “Your rights are in jeopardy: they are being treated with utter contempt by many governments around the world,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

February 18, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

State of the World 2014/2015

This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. Governments pay lip service to the importance of protecting civilians. And yet the world's politicians have miserably failed to protect those in greatest need. Amnesty International believes that this can and must finally change.

February 25, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Bad information: Oil spill investigations in the Niger Delta

There are systemic flaws in the system for investigating oil spills in the Niger Delta: the outcome of these investigations lacks credibility. The human rights consequences are serious.

June 24, 2014

Press Release

Shell’s False Claims on Niger Delta Oil Spills Exposed

Shell has manipulated oil spill investigations in Nigeria, with the company's claims on oil pollution in the region deeply suspect and often untrue, said Amnesty International and the Center for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD).

November 7, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Niger 2013

Republic of Niger Head of state Mahamadou Issoufou Head of government Brigi Rafini People accused of belonging to terrorist groups were ill-treated in detention. Several aid workers and their driver were abducted and held for three weeks by an armed group. Background There were clashes between government forces and armed groups based in Mali and Nigeria. In the north, the army strengthened the security system to oppose elements of armed groups involved in hostage-taking, drug trafficking and armed banditry. As a result of the crisis following the March 2012 military coup in Mali, at least 50,000 people sought refuge in…

May 23, 2013

Press Release

Supreme Court Ruling Undermines Decades of Progress Toward Justice in U.S. Courts for Survivors of Human Rights Abuses Abroad

The Supreme Court today dismissed the closely-watched case of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. in a severe blow for victims of human rights abuses in the Niger Delta, and severely limited the reach of the Alien Tort Statute (ATS), a law enacted in 1789.

April 17, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Niger 2010

Head of state Mamadou Tandja Head of government Ali Badjo Gamatié (replaced Seyni Oumarou in October) Death penalty abolitionist in practice Population 15.3million Life expectancy 50.8 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 171/173 per 1,000 Adult literacy 28.7 per cent Numerous protests took place against a constitutional amendment allowing a third term for the President. In response, the President dissolved key institutions and granted himself emergency powers. The security forces harassed and detained political leaders, journalists and human rights activists. The government and Tuareg-led armed opposition signed a peace agreement. Background In May, President Tandja dissolved Parliament after the Constitutional Court rejected…

March 19, 2011