• Press Release

Nigeria: UNICEF suspended amid absurd smear campaign

December 14, 2018

TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BOUREIMA HAMA Children wash their hands with a bucket bearing the lettering 'Unicef' in a camp for internally displaced people (IDP), home to some 300,000 Nigerian refugees and internally displaced by Boko Haram, in Diffa, Niger, on August 17, 2016, ahead of celebrations for World Humanitarian Day on August 19. / AFP / BOUREIMA HAMA (Photo credit should read BOUREIMA HAMA/AFP/Getty Images)

Responding to the Nigerian army’s suspension of UNICEF from operations in northeast Nigeria over allegations of spying and collaborating with Boko Haram, Osai Ojigho, Director of Amnesty International Nigeria, said:

“Amnesty International strongly condemns attempts by the Nigerian army to demonize UNICEF’s lifesaving work in the northeast of the country, where the Boko Haram conflict has created one of the deadliest humanitarian disasters in the world. We see the suspension of UNICEF as part of a wider drive to intimidate international humanitarian and human rights organizations who are working to save lives in this devastating conflict.

“The Nigerian army has accused UNICEF of ‘aiding Boko Haram’ – an absurd charge. The suspension of UNICEF will in fact deprive those whose lives have been devastated by the Boko Haram conflict from receiving much-needed humanitarian assistance.

“We call on the Nigerian authorities to reverse the suspension of UNICEF immediately. The Nigerian military should focus on protecting lives rather than smearing NGOs.”