Press Release

Facebook caves to abusive censorship requests in Thailand

Responding to news that Facebook has complied with censorship requests from the Thai authorities, Rasha Abdul-Rahim, Amnesty Tech’s Acting Program Co-Director said: “Once again, Facebook is caving to the whims…

August 25, 2020
Text of Facebook written in white across blue background

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement on Luis Kutner

Responding to the role of Luis Kutner in Amnesty International, who died in 1993 and may be linked to the murder of Fred Hampton, Amnesty International USA issued the following…

August 13, 2020

Press Release

Attacks on journalists in Belarus mount amid protest crackdown

The Belarusian authorities must immediately end their assault on journalists, Amnesty International said today, amid reports of journalists being arrested, beaten, and targeted with rubber bullets while covering the vicious police…

August 12, 2020
People help paramedics carry a person who is injured and bleeding
Photo by Viktor DrachevTASS via Getty Images

Press Release

Police in Belarus unleash appalling violence on peaceful protesters

Amnesty International’s delegates in the Belarusian capital Minsk witnessed appalling violence unleashed by riot police on peaceful protesters who took to the streets last night after official announcements on election…

August 10, 2020
People help paramedics carry a person who is injured and bleeding
Photo by Viktor DrachevTASS via Getty Images

Press Release

Beirut explosion in Lebanon must be independently investigated

Responding to the devastating explosion in Beirut yesterday that killed scores of people and left thousands more injured, Julie Verhaar, Acting Secretary General of Amnesty International, said: “The horrific scenes…

August 5, 2020
An aerial view shows the massive damage done to Beirut
Photo by - / AFP) (Photo by -/AFP via Getty Images