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Showing 253-264 of 503 Results


Rushing To Judgment

A rush to judgment, fueled by all-in media coverage of a particularly heinous crime, increases the chances that criminal justice officials will make critical mistakes, or engage in deliberate misconduct.

April 26, 2013


Death Penalty Abolished in Maryland

The Maryland House of Delegates followed the lead of the state Senate and passed the death penalty repeal bill making Maryland the 18th state to abandon capital punishment, and the…

April 11, 2013


Death Sentences and Executions 2012

At least 682 executions were known to have been carried out worldwide, two more than in 2011. However, the 682 figure does not include the thousands of people who were…

April 8, 2013


Maryland Must Support Victims’ Families

Abolishing the death penalty is a necessity for the advancement of human rights, but it is equally essential to support families whose rights have also been severely violated by murder.

April 4, 2013