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Showing 373-384 of 503 Results


Illinois abolishes the death penalty

Illinois will become the 16th state in the USA to ban capital punishment when the law signed by Governor Quinn comes into effect on 1 July.

May 17, 2011

Press Release

Myanmar: Prison sentence reductions are not enough

The Myanmar government’s reduction of prison terms must be swiftly followed by the immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience, Amnesty International said today.

May 17, 2011

Press Release

Myanmar: Prison sentence reductions are not enough

The Myanmar government’s reduction of prison terms must be swiftly followed by the immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience, Amnesty International said today.

May 17, 2011


Death Penalty Abolished in Illinois

On March 9, 2011, Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation abolishing the death penalty in Illinois. Illinois becomes the 16th...

April 14, 2011