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Showing 445-456 of 503 Results


Annual Report: Lebanon 2010

Head of state Michel Suleiman Head of government Saad Hariri (replaced Fouad Siniora in November) Death penalty retentionist Population 4.2 million Life expectancy 71.9 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 31/21 per…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Liberia 2010

Head of state and government Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Death penalty abolitionist in practice Population 4 million Life expectancy 57.9 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 144/136 per 1,000 Adult literacy 55.5 per cent…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Macedonia 2010

Head of state Gjorge Ivanov (succeeded Branko Crvenovski in May) Head of government Nikola Gruevski Death penalty abolitionist for all crimes Population 2 million Life expectancy 74.1 years Under-5 mortality…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Malaysia 2010

Head of state Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Head of government Najib Tun Razak (replaced Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in April) Death penalty retentionist Population 27.5 million Life expectancy…

March 19, 2011


Joan Baez: A Lifetime of Human Rights Advocacy

Amnesty International turns 50 this year, and closely linked to Amnesty's legacy of championing human rights is that of folk legend Joan Baez. Baez was an active Amnesty supporter from…

March 14, 2011


First Steps Toward Abolition in Connecticut

Following the lead of Illinois, Connecticut took a step toward death penalty abolition with a marathon hearing on Monday, March 7. Yale Amnesty group coordinator testified at the hearing and…

March 11, 2011


Illinois Has Abolished the Death Penalty!

Today, with the signature of Governor Pat Quinn, Illinois became the 16th state to abolish the death penalty, and the third state to do it in four years. By rejecting…

March 9, 2011



Human rights in Iran including post-election violence and February 11th demonstrations.


Saudi Arabia

The authorities used a wide range of repressive measures to suppress freedom of expression and other legitimate activities. Hundreds of people were arrested as suspected terrorists. Thousands of others arrested…


Trinidad & Tobago

Amnesty International works to stop Trinidad and Tobago human rights violations. Trinidad and Tobago human rights abuses can end with your support.


Central African Republic

While efforts have been made to end the armed conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR), civilians in the northern part of the country and displaced Central Africans in neighboring…


Equatorial Guinea

More than 1,000 families in Equatorial Guinea have been forcibly evicted from their homes to make room for roads, up-market housing and hotels and shopping centers since 2003.