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Showing 457-468 of 503 Results


Sierra Leone

Stability and security have increased in Sierra Leone since 2002 with the end of the country's decade-long war. However, Sierra Leoneans face grinding poverty; economic justice eludes them.



The death penalty was abolished. Several detainees died in detention reportedly as a result of torture or other ill-treatment. More than 30 people were arrested on political grounds, including military…


Montana Senate Votes to Abolish Death Penalty

By a 26-24 vote, the Montana Senate yesterday voted to repeal the death penalty. Twenty-two Democrats and 4 Republicans voted for the measure (SB 185), which now goes to the…

February 16, 2011


Ohio at Death Penalty Crossroads

On the question of capital punishment, Ohio is moving simultaneously in two different directions. The pace of executions has accelerated, but those most experienced with the death penalty are calling…

January 27, 2011


The Four Biggest Death Penalty Trends in 2010

The unworkable and degrading nature of capital punishment in the U.S. continued to reveal itself throughout 2010. The pace of executions slowed considerably as the year progressed, and the last…

December 21, 2010


37 Iraqis at risk of imminent execution

On December 16 Deputy Justice Minister Busho Ibrahim said in an interview that Iraq will execute 37 people who have exhausted all legal remedies and their death sentences have been…

December 17, 2010