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Showing 469-480 of 503 Results


Reggie Clemons Needs More Letters!

Over 3,000 Belgian citizens have handwritten and mailed in letters appealing on behalf of Reggie Clemons, an American who was sentenced to death in St. Louis as an accomplice in…

November 18, 2010


Obama: India Ain't Just About Gandhi and Outsourcing

As an Indian-American, anytime the US President visits India, I get excited about the possibilities of a stronger relationship between the two gigantic countries.  And, tomorrow, US President Barack Obama is…

November 4, 2010


Fighting Crime Without the Death Penalty

“Bizarre.” This was the answer given by Former Detective Superintendent Bob Denmark of Lancashire, England when asked what people in the UK thought about the execution of Teresa Lewis. “[People] are…

October 14, 2010


10 Reasons to Abolish the Death Penalty

October 10th, 2010 is the World Day Against the Death Penalty, and the focus this year is on the USA. Here are 10 reasons why we need to stop the…

September 28, 2010


A 64 Million Dollar Question

Killing prisoners is an abuse of state power.  Even if it saved money it would still be the ultimate human rights violation.  But of course, it doesn’t save money.   The…

August 17, 2010


What's Changed?

It was the early summer doldrums of late June.  The year was 1972.  The number one song was Neil Diamond’s Song Sung Blue (really??), and the movies that came out…

August 10, 2010


When in Doubt

When is it OK for the state to put a prisoner to death?  We at Amnesty International of course say “Never”.  (And two-thirds of the world’s nations agree with us.) …

July 14, 2010


The Humanity of Troy Davis

When I spoke with Troy Davis in Jackson prison in March, he talked about what he would do if the evidentiary hearing led to his release. One thing was sure,…

June 25, 2010


Troy Davis Hearing in 4 Weeks

Four weeks from today, June 23, Troy Davis will get a day in court. Not a perfunctory hearing where lawyers and judges parse the written affidavits of all the witnesses…

May 26, 2010