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Showing 49-60 of 112 Results


Death Sentences and Executions 2015

A dramatic global rise in the number of executions recorded in 2015 saw more people put to death than at any point in the last quarter-century. The surge was largely…

April 6, 2016


Turning a Blind Eye on Impunity in Nigeria

Last week’s announcement that the US plans to deploy military advisors to assist the Nigerian government fight Boko Haram and is considering restarting the training of an infantry battalion, despite…

March 2, 2016


6 Critical Human Rights Concerns Obama Should Address Tonight

[caption id="attachment_68056" align="aligncenter" width="2000"] Photo by Saul Loeb-Pool/Getty Images[/caption] Once more, President Obama will address the nation before the full Congress. Once more, he will lay out his plans for…

January 12, 2016