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Showing 157-168 of 170 Results


Human Rights Flashpoints–September 9, 2009

Sudan – Deadly Attacks in the South Recent ethnic clashes in southern Sudan have killed at least 25 people and displaced dozens of civilians in Upper Nile State since Friday.…

September 8, 2009


Zuma Zooms to Zim

First off, apologies for the title. I couldn't stop myself. That being said, South African President Jacob Zuma traveled to Zimbabwe last week for either one of two reasons, depending on…

August 31, 2009


Congolese Women Fight Sexual Violence

In a powerful new video Oxfam America shows the fight of Congolese women against sexual violence (thanks to for bringing this to the attention of a wider audience). It…

March 16, 2009


DRC: 40,000 Signatures for Obama

When I came to work one day this week, I found two thick packages at my desk: They were filled with signed petitions on ending sexual violence in the Democratic…

January 23, 2009


A Stronger US Stance Against Mass Atrocities?

With every day that passes, grave human rights violations continue in places like Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burma. President-elect Barack Obama’s recent personnel decisions have fostered speculations…

December 2, 2008


Rally Echoes Congolese Plea for Help

[caption id="attachment_405" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Amnesty International activists urge the US government to support the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC. White House, November 23 (c) Msia Clark"][/caption] Rallying in front…

November 26, 2008


What Nkunda Wants

[caption id="attachment_381" align="alignleft" width="108" caption="Alice Eve"][/caption] Laurent Nkunda considers himself a man of diplomacy and politics. Unfortunately, whether we agree or not has become academic. This war criminal has a…

November 25, 2008


The Worst Crisis You Won't Read About in the News

The DRC, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Sudan and Nicaragua--all these countries are in crisis right now. How do I know (beyond working at Amnesty International)? I can read about it in the…

November 20, 2008


DRC: Protect Civilians NOW!

[caption id="attachment_97" align="alignleft" width="288" caption="(c) Michael Graham/USHMM, July 2008"][/caption] While African and UN leaders today discuss the recent spike in violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, civilians continue…

November 7, 2008