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Showing 313-315 of 315 Results


Fathi el-Jahmi May Not Live to See His Next Birthday

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Fathi el-Jahmi © Private"][/caption] Earlier this month, prisoner of conscience Fathi el-Jahmi turned another year older inside prison walls in Libya. He was arrested in 2002…

April 22, 2009


Gaza By The Numbers

A snapshot of Gaza by the numbers: Humanitarian Assistance Movement in and out of Gaza is all but impossible and supplies of food, water, sewage treatment, basic health care have…

December 30, 2008


Our Top 10 Wins of 2008

Thank you Amnesty International activists for all of your important work this year! Your activism has led to some major advances in human rights in our battles against torture, violence…

December 19, 2008