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Showing 109-120 of 122 Results


Annual Report: Nicaragua 2010

Head of state and government Daniel Ortega Saavedra Death penalty abolitionist for all crimes Population 5.7 million Life expectancy 72.7 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 29/22 per 1,000 Adult literacy 78…

March 19, 2011



Amnesty International works to stop Nicaragua human rights violations. Nicaragua human rights abuses can end with your support.


Sexual Violence Against Girls in Nicaragua Widespread

A new report released by Amnesty International shows the widespread sexual violence against girls in Nicaragua. More than two thirds of all rapes reported between 1998 and 2008 were committed…

December 2, 2010


Peruvian Indigenous Leader Detained, Facing Unfair Trial

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Rio Santiago, Bagua, Peru ©Ronar Espinoza – Vicariato de Jaén "][/caption] Segundo Alberto Pizango Chota, president of the Peruvian national indigenous federation AIDESEP, has been arrested…

May 26, 2010


Women: The Smartest Investment

In an empowering speech on Friday, January 8, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated her commitment to women’s rights as human rights. Exactly 15 years since the UN’s International Conference…

January 14, 2010


Human Rights Flashpoints – July 28, 2009

HONDURAS Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya attempted to return to Honduras for the second time on Friday, July 24, 2009.  After a brief moment in his home country, Zelaya retreated…

July 28, 2009