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Showing 85-96 of 122 Results


Honduran journalist told he would be found “in a ditch”

[caption id="attachment_58476" align="aligncenter" width="3065"] Honduran journalists take part in a vigil in memory of journalists killed in Honduras. (ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP/GettyImages)[/caption] On January 24, a high-ranking military official told Honduran journalist…

March 12, 2015


It is past time for El Salvador to rescind its total abortion ban

[caption id="attachment_53891" align="aligncenter" width="3456"] El Salvador: Marlene was accused and charged with having an abortion after she had a miscarriage when she was 18 years old.[/caption] I was on a…

October 1, 2014
Accused and charged with having an abortion after a miscarriage at 18 years old.


Chile Might Be Reforming Its Total Abortion Ban

This extreme restriction on women's reproductive health rights not only conflicts with international law, it also puts the lives of countless women and girls at risk.

July 10, 2014


Annual Report: Nicaragua 2013

Republic of Nicaragua Head of state and government Daniel Ortega Saavedra All forms of abortion remained criminalized. A new law on violence against women came into effect; most victims of…

May 23, 2013