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Showing 217-228 of 589 Results

Press Release

New Arms Deal Risks Trampling Human Rights

According to reports, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and U.S. President Trump finalized a new $12.5 billon arms deal in a meeting today at the White House. Raed Jarrar,…

March 20, 2018

Press Release

USA, UK and France risk complicity in collective punishment of civilians in Yemen

The USA, UK and France must immediately cease supplying arms to the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen, which is impeding humanitarian assistance of items indispensable to the survival of…

November 17, 2017
MSF supported hospital bombed by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Haydan in Sa'da. The small hospital, in the Haydan district in Saada Province, was hit by several airstrikes beginning at 22:30 last night. Hospital staff and two patients managed to escape before subsequent airstrikes occurred over a two hour period. One staff member was slightly injured while escaping. With the hospital destroyed, at least 200,000 people now have no access to lifesaving medical care.