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Showing 1705-1716 of 1929 Results


Annual Report: Guinea-Bissau 2010

Head of state Malam Bacai Sanhá (replaced Raimundo Pereira in September, who replaced João Bernardo "Nino" Vieira in March) Head of government Carlos Gomes Júnior Death penalty abolitionist for all…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Guyana 2010

Head of state and government Bharrat Jagdeo Death penalty abolitionist for all crimes Population .8 million Life expectancy 66.5 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 66/47 per 1,000 Adult literacy 99 per…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Honduras 2010

Head of state and government José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, deposed in June by Roberto Micheletti Death penalty abolitionist for all crimes Population 7.5 million Life expectancy 72 years Under-5 mortality…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Iran 2010

Head of state Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei Head of government President: Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Death penalty retentionist Population 74.4 million Life expectancy 71.2…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Iraq 2010

Head of state Jalal Talabani Head of government Nuri al-Maliki Death penalty retentionist Population 30.7 million Life expectancy 67.8 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 43/38 per 1,000 Adult literacy 74.1 per…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Israel 2010

Head of state Shimon Peres Head of government Binyamin Netanyahu (replaced Ehud Olmert in March) Death penalty abolitionist for ordinary crimes Population 7.2 million (Israel); 4.3 million (OPT) Life expectancy…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Italy 2010

Head of state Giorgio Napolitano Head of government Silvio Berlusconi Death penalty abolitionist for all crimes Population 59.9 million Life expectancy 81.1 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 5/3 per 1,000 Adult…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Jordan 2010

Head of state King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein Head of government Samir Rifai (replaced Nader al-Dahabi in December) Death penalty retentionist Population 6.3 million Life expectancy 72.4 years Under-5 mortality…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: North Korea 2010

Head of state Kim Jong-il Head of government Kim Yong-il Death penalty retentionist Population 23.9 million Life expectancy 67.1 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 63/63 per 1,000 The government continued to…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Liberia 2010

Head of state and government Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Death penalty abolitionist in practice Population 4 million Life expectancy 57.9 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 144/136 per 1,000 Adult literacy 55.5 per cent…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Lithuania 2010

Head of state Dalia Grybauskait? (replaced Valdas Adamkus in July) Head of government Andrius Kubilius Death penalty abolitionist for all crimes Population 3.3 million Life expectancy 71.8 years Under-5 mortality…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Macedonia 2010

Head of state Gjorge Ivanov (succeeded Branko Crvenovski in May) Head of government Nikola Gruevski Death penalty abolitionist for all crimes Population 2 million Life expectancy 74.1 years Under-5 mortality…

March 19, 2011