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Showing 169-180 of 1929 Results


Human Rights on Capitol Hill – May 2022 Newsletter

HUMAN RIGHTS ON CAPITOL HILL Table of Contents Featured International Updates Domestic Updates What’s Coming Down the Pike MAY 2022 NEWSLETTER CONGRESS MUST PASS LEGISLATION TO PROTECT ABORTION RIGHTS [readmore_expand]…

TOPSHOT - Ethiopian refugees who fled Ethiopia's Tigray conflict arrive by bus from Village Eight transit centre near the Ethiopian border at the entrance of Um Raquba refugee camp in Sudan's eastern Gedaref state, on December 11, 2020. - Thousands of people fled war in Ethiopia with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Now in Um Raquba camp in neighbouring Sudan, dozens of destitute refugees from the fighting in the northern Tigray region flock each day to Omar Ibrahim's makeshift tailor shop. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP) (Photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images)


Crimes Against Humanity in Ethiopia’s Western Tigray Zone

Amhara regional security forces and civilian authorities in Ethiopia’s Western Tigray Zone have committed widespread abuses against Tigrayans since November 2020 that amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity,…

April 5, 2022


Human Rights on Capitol Hill – April 2022 Newsletter

HUMAN RIGHTS ON CAPITOL HILL Table of Contents Featured International Updates Domestic Updates april 2022 NEWSLETTER Featured: Russian Invasion of Ukraine A man rides his bike past buildings destroyed by…

Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images

Press Release

Apparent War Crimes by Russian Forces in Bucha, Ukraine Must Be Investigated

Following reports of apparent war crimes committed by Russian military forces against civilians in Bucha, Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said: “These reports from Bucha are showing a wider…

April 4, 2022
Photo by RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Russian Authorities Launch Witch-Hunt to Catch Anyone Sharing Anti-War Views

The Russian authorities have launched a witch-hunt by effectively weaponizing the country’s criminal justice system to prosecute anti-war protesters and influential critics of the state who have expressed their opposition…

March 30, 2022
Photo by KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images