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Showing 1849-1860 of 1929 Results


The UN Votes on Goldstone Report — But Will It Act?

There are powerful efforts to ensure that the Goldstone Report doesn’t get acted on. Amnesty International believes the report is a means toward justice in a conflict in which the…

February 26, 2010


Human Rights on Several Fronts in Israel/PNA

At a time of significant international interest in the region, Amnesty International hopes that it will lead to a renewed focus on human rights issues as the best way to…

February 3, 2010


Soccer, Terrorism, Repression and Constitutions in Angola

[caption id="attachment_7467" align="alignleft" width="168" caption="Angolan president Eduardo dos Santos"][/caption] The new decade started off with a bang in Angola-literally. Fireworks exploded in the night sky at the opening games of…

January 23, 2010


Imprisoned For Love in Malawi

Homosexuality is little tolerated or accepted in much of Africa. South Africa legalized gay marriage in 2006, but incidence of hate crimes towards gay and lesbian persons are not uncommon. Uganda…

January 8, 2010


Sri Lankan editor's killers still at large

About a year ago, my first entry was posted to this site, about the murder of the Sri Lankan editor Lasantha Wickramatunga on Jan. 8, 2009.   Mr. Wickramatunga had been an outspoken…

January 6, 2010


Congress Moves on the 2009 Tribal Law and Order Act

On Thursday, December 10th, the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security held a hearing to discuss the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2009, for which AIUSA was…

December 18, 2009


Happy Birthday, Bangladesh

George Harrison, former Beatles, singing "Bangla Desh" (Ringo Starr, another Beatles member is at the drums) at the 1971 Concert for Bangladesh in New York City. Well, it's technically, Liberation…

December 17, 2009


Tentative Hope for Internally Displaced Persons in Africa

[caption id="attachment_6422" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Children in Kalma Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp, South Darfur, Sudan."][/caption] An internally displaced person is someone forced from their home by natural disaster, extreme poverty or…

December 4, 2009


A Half Measure of Justice

The Obama administration’s decision to refer a further five GTMO detainees, including self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, for trial federal court in New York City is a small but…

November 16, 2009