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Showing 589-600 of 1929 Results

Press Release

Zimbabwe: Post-Mugabe government must open new chapter of respect for rights

Responding to the news that Robert Mugabe has resigned as President of Zimbabwe, Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International said the following:

November 21, 2017
Zimbabweans watch a television broadcasting an address by President Robert Mugabe at Harare Sports Club in Harare on November 19, 2017, following a meeting with army chiefs who have seized power in Zimbabwe.. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, in a much-expected TV address, stressed he was still in power after his authoritarian 37-year reign was rocked by a military takeover. Many Zimbabweans expected Mugabe to resign after the army seized power last week. But Mugabe delivered his speech alongside the uniformed generals who were behind the military intervention. In his address, Mugabe made no reference to the clamour for him to resign. / AFP PHOTO / STR (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)


Myanmar: Rohingya trapped in dehumanizing apartheid regime

The Rohingya people in Myanmar are trapped in a vicious system of state-sponsored, institutionalized discrimination that amounts to apartheid, said Amnesty International today as it publishes a major new analysis…

November 20, 2017

Press Release

USA, UK and France risk complicity in collective punishment of civilians in Yemen

The USA, UK and France must immediately cease supplying arms to the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen, which is impeding humanitarian assistance of items indispensable to the survival of…

November 17, 2017
MSF supported hospital bombed by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Haydan in Sa'da. The small hospital, in the Haydan district in Saada Province, was hit by several airstrikes beginning at 22:30 last night. Hospital staff and two patients managed to escape before subsequent airstrikes occurred over a two hour period. One staff member was slightly injured while escaping. With the hospital destroyed, at least 200,000 people now have no access to lifesaving medical care.


“We leave or we die”: Forced displacement under Syria’s ‘reconciliation’ agreements

Whole civilian populations who have suffered horrific sieges and been subjected to intensive bombardments have been given no choice but to leave or die under so-called “reconciliation” agreements between the…

November 12, 2017
Syrians, who were injured in a suicide car bombing that targeted buses carrying evacuees from besieged government-held towns, sit in a tent on the Syrian-Turkish border in Idlib province on April 17, 2017. April 16's blast hit a convoy carrying residents from the northern towns of Fuaa and Kafraya as they waited at a transit point in rebel-held Rashidin, west of Aleppo. At least 68 children were among the 126 people killed in the attack, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / Omar haj kadour (Photo credit should read OMAR HAJ KADOUR/AFP/Getty Images)


3rd Edition of Human Rights On Capitol Hill

This edition of Human Rights on Capitol Hill discusses the White House immigration plan, Gun Violence, Rohingya refugees, Rwanda, the proposed State Department dismantling of key human rights offices, U.S.…

October 12, 2017


Forced Back to Danger: Asylum-Seekers Returned from Europe to Afghanistan

European governments have put thousands of Afghans in harm’s way by forcibly returning them to a country where they are at serious risk of torture, kidnapping, death and other human…

October 4, 2017
Afghan security forces personnel are seen at the site of a car bomb attack in Kabul on May 31, 2017. At least 40 people were killed or wounded on May 31 as a massive blast ripped through Kabul's diplomatic quarter, shattering the morning rush hour and bringing carnage to the streets of the Afghan capital. / AFP PHOTO / SHAH MARAI (Photo credit should read SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images)