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Showing 901-912 of 1929 Results


The State of LGBT Human Rights Worldwide

[caption id="attachment_60816" align="alignleft" width="1000"] LGBT activists take part in a Gay Pride event in St. Petersburg, Russia, 29 June 2013. (EPA/ANATOLY MALTSEV)[/caption] Across the globe, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender…

May 21, 2015


Shadow of Impunity: Torture in Morocco and Western Sahara

Beatings, stress positions, asphyxiation, simulated drowning, psychological and sexual violence are among an array of torture techniques used by Moroccan security forces to extract “confessions” to crimes or silence activists…

May 18, 2015


Journalists to Remember on World Press Freedom Day

[caption id="attachment_60191" align="aligncenter" width="730"] Prisoner of Conscience Eskinder Nega (right) is serving an 18-year sentence for his legitimate work as a journalist in Ethiopia[/caption] By Selin Thomas, Pulitzer Center for…

May 3, 2015


USA: Crimes and Impunity

More than four months after publication of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s summary report on the secret detention program operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the US administration…

April 21, 2015


Crimes and Impunity

Amnesty International released a report today criticizing the Obama administration’s silence in the wake of the Senate torture report, calling it de facto amnesty for those responsible for CIA torture.

April 17, 2015