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Showing 1069-1080 of 1929 Results


Annual Report: Uganda 2013

REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Head of state and government Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Restrictions on freedoms of expression and association continued. LGBTI people continued to face harassment. Police and other law enforcement…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Ukraine 2013

Ukraine Head of state Viktor Yanukovich Head of government Mykola Azarov Torture and other ill-treatment remained widespread, and impunity for such acts continued. Failings in the criminal justice system led…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: United States of America 2013

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Head of state and government Barack H. Obama Forty-three men were executed during the year, and concerns about cruel prison conditions continued. Scores of detainees remained…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Uruguay 2013

Eastern Republic of Uruguay Head of state and government José Alberto Mujica Cordano Steps were taken to end impunity for crimes committed during the civil and military rule (1973-1985), including…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Myanmar 2013

Republic of the Union of Myanmar Head of state and government Thein Sein Amid ongoing political, legal and economic reforms, the authorities released hundreds of prisoners of conscience; however, many…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Nepal 2013

FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF NEPAL Head of state Ram Baran Yadav Head of government Baburam Bhattarai Impunity was further entrenched as the government promoted alleged perpetrators of human rights violations…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Nigeria 2013

Federal Republic of Nigeria Head of state and government Goodluck Jonathan The situation of violence and insecurity for Nigerians intensified, with at least 1,000 people killed in attacks by Islamist…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Palestinian Authority 2013

Palestinian Authority Head of Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas Head of government Salam Fayyad Arbitrary arrests and detentions by both the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and the Hamas…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Poland 2013

Republic of Poland Head of state Bronislaw Komorowski Head of government Donald Tusk The investigation of Poland's involvement in US-led renditions and secret detentions progressed slowly. Public access to information…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Russian Federation 2013

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Head of state Vladimir Putin (replaced Dmitry Medvedev) Head of government Dmitry Medvedev (replaced Vladimir Putin) Increasing peaceful political protest was met with repression. New laws restricting the…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Rwanda 2013

REPUBLIC OF RWANDA Head of state Paul Kagame The government continued to stifle legitimate freedom of expression and association. Cases of illegal detention and allegations of torture by Rwandan military…

May 23, 2013