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Showing 145-156 of 336 Results

Press Release

El Salvador rape survivor sentenced to 30 years in jail under extreme anti-abortion law

The sentence against a 19-year-old rape survivor of 30 years in prison on charges of “aggravated homicide” after she suffered pregnancy-related complications, is a terrifying example of the need for…

July 6, 2017
Women's rights activists outside El Salvador's Supreme Court on the day Amnesty International and Agrupacion Ciudadana por la Despenalizacion del Aborto presented over 300,000 petitions calling for the decriminalisation of abortion. San Salvador,22 April, 2015


Youth Webinar for ICM Resolutions

The International Council Meeting (ICM) will be held on August 10-15, 2017. This is where the movement's global policies, priorities, and governance structures will be decided, and it is so…


Toolkits & Guides

“How-to” resources to help you protect human rights We produce practical tools to help activists start groups and campaign for human rights. If you have an idea for a toolkit…

Press Release

Honduras: Historic opportunity to decriminalize abortion

Ahead of a debate in the Honduran congress today over the country’s criminalization of abortion, Amnesty International’s Americas Director Erika Guevara-Rosas said: “By criminalizing abortion, the Honduran Penal Code is…

April 25, 2017