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Showing 181-192 of 336 Results


The State as a Catalyst for Violence Against Women

The lives of millions of women and girls across Latin America are at the mercy of “lottery-style” health care systems that prioritize religious doctrine and stereotypes over the lives of…

March 3, 2016


My Body, My Rights, My Call for Respect

To live, love, and make decisions free from coercion and threat of violence is a human right. Love is a decision that always means respect: for my body, for my…

February 14, 2016


50 Ways You Changed Lives in 2015

The list below is just a snapshot of some of the many success stories and bits of good news that you made happen in 2015. Thank you for all your…

December 30, 2015


18 Cases YOU Helped Change in 2015

In 2015, YOU helped put the pressure on 18 cases to ensure the release of many journalists and activists. The list below is reflective of how we can work together…

December 28, 2015