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Showing 241-252 of 336 Results


Annual Report: United States of America 2013

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Head of state and government Barack H. Obama Forty-three men were executed during the year, and concerns about cruel prison conditions continued. Scores of detainees remained…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Uruguay 2013

Eastern Republic of Uruguay Head of state and government José Alberto Mujica Cordano Steps were taken to end impunity for crimes committed during the civil and military rule (1973-1985), including…

May 29, 2013


Annual Report: Nicaragua 2013

Republic of Nicaragua Head of state and government Daniel Ortega Saavedra All forms of abortion remained criminalized. A new law on violence against women came into effect; most victims of…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Peru 2013

Republic of Peru Head of state and government Ollanta Humala Tasso Several protests related to mining led to clashes with security forces; protesters were killed and human rights defenders were…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Poland 2013

Republic of Poland Head of state Bronislaw Komorowski Head of government Donald Tusk The investigation of Poland's involvement in US-led renditions and secret detentions progressed slowly. Public access to information…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: Romania 2013

REPUBLIC OF ROMANIA Head of state Traian Băsescu Head of government Victor Ponta (replaced Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu) Police were alleged to have used arbitrary and disproportionate force during anti-austerity and…

May 23, 2013


Annual Report: El Salvador 2013

Republic of El Salvador Head of state and government Carlos Mauricio Funes Impunity for human rights violations committed during the armed conflict (1980-1992) persisted. A crisis gripped the judicial system…

May 20, 2013


Annual Report: Ireland 2013

Republic of Ireland Head of state Michael D. Higgins Head of government Enda Kenny Conditions in a young offender institution were heavily criticized. Calls were renewed to regulate access to…

May 20, 2013


Annual Report: Chile 2013

Republic of Chile Head of state and government Sebastián Piñera Echenique Consultation with Indigenous Peoples on projects that affect them remained inadequate. A law to prevent and punish discrimination was…

May 17, 2013


Annual Report: Colombia 2013

Republic of Colombia Head of state and government Juan Manuel Santos Calderón Formal peace talks between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) began in Norway in…

May 17, 2013


Annual Report: Dominican Republic 2013

Dominican Republic Head of state and government Danilo Medina Sánchez The number of unlawful killings by police remained high. People of Haitian descent continued to be denied identity documents. Violence…

May 17, 2013