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Showing 253-264 of 336 Results


Annual Report: Argentina 2013

Argentine Republic Head of state and government Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Women pregnant as a result of rape continued to face obstacles in accessing legal abortions, despite a Supreme Court…

May 15, 2013


Beatriz: Condemned to Die at 22 by El Salvador?

Beatriz’s life is literally in the hands of the Salvadoran government. Demand that they immediately grant her the life-saving medical treatment she needs - before it’s too late.

April 29, 2013


It’s Your Body: Know Your Rights!

Because of discrimination, violence against women, less access to education, and an intersection of additional human right abuses, women and girls are disproportionately affected when sexual and reproductive rights are…

March 8, 2013


10 Absurd and Unjust Arrests of 2012

You might be surprised to learn what can get you thrown in jail in a few places around the world, and how harsh the sentences are once you’re there. Every…

December 26, 2012