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Showing 1261-1272 of 1431 Results


Tabloid Promotes Lynching of Homosexuals in Uganda

On October 2, a tabloid called the ‘Rolling Stone’ published an incendiary article claiming that homosexuals were going to raid the schools and “recruit 100,000 innocent kids by 2012”. The…

November 5, 2010


Obama: India Ain't Just About Gandhi and Outsourcing

As an Indian-American, anytime the US President visits India, I get excited about the possibilities of a stronger relationship between the two gigantic countries.  And, tomorrow, US President Barack Obama is…

November 4, 2010


Executions, Secrecy and the Public Right to Know

Voices of dissent are routinely silenced in oppressive regimes around the world. However, some of the same tactics are used in the United States to suppress information about the death…

November 4, 2010


Arizona: Execution Drugs Came From Great Britain

Arizona’s Attorney General Terry Goddard has reportedly confirmed that his state’s stash of non-FDA approved sodium thiopental came from Great Britain.  The state continues to try to kill Jeffrey Landrigan…

October 26, 2010


Arizona's Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy for Executions

Arizona today admitted that it acquired the execution drug sodium thiopental from a non-FDA approved source, but continues to seek to execute Jeffrey Landrigan on October 26. The state refuses…

October 20, 2010


9 Out of 10 Counties, Zero Death Sentences Since 2004

What makes a punishment "unusual?" The 8th Amendment to the Constitution bans "cruel and unusual" punishments, and the Supreme Court in recent years has suggested that a punishment becomes unusual…

October 18, 2010


Fighting Crime Without the Death Penalty

“Bizarre.” This was the answer given by Former Detective Superintendent Bob Denmark of Lancashire, England when asked what people in the UK thought about the execution of Teresa Lewis. “[People] are…

October 14, 2010